Laurence Cadieux

Laurence Cadieux

Hello! My name is Laurence Cadieux, and I’m a Communication Coordinnator here at Devolutions. My role includes overseeing the content strategy and development of our blog, managing the content and communication for our VIP advocate platform “Devolutions Force,” and working closely with our PR partners around the world. I also handle our off-site content opportunities (magazines, journals, newspapers, etc.). Academically, I have a bachelor’s degree in marketing. When I’m not working, I sing in a band, and I enjoy watching my favorite movies again and again. I also love cooking, and during the pandemic, I became a bread expert — I can now bake the most amazing key lime pie on earth (if I do say so myself!). Plus, I recently discovered LEGO and there is no turning back — I’m hooked! I’m always happy to help, and you can reach me directly at

July Poll Results: Once Vital, Now Obsolete Tech

Last month, we polled the Devolutions community to find out what technologies that our community once “couldn’t live without” they now find irrelevant, uninteresting, and obsolete.

Sysadmin Day 2023 Gaming Picks: Must-Play Video Games

Keeping with the theme of our Sysadmin Appreciation Day sale, we have compiled a list of what we believe to be the most exciting and creative game releases in 2023 so far.

Customer Story: HES-SO//Fribourg

This story outlines how the system administrators at the HES-SO//Fribourg were able to address their password and remote connection management requirements with Devolutions' solutions.

Devolutions Welcomes as a Technology Partner

We are delighted to announce that Devolutions has entered into a technology partnership

July Poll Question: Once Vital, Now Obsolete Tech?

This month, Devolutions wants to know: what technologies (devices, gadgets, systems, software, etc.) that you once “couldn’t live without” do you now find irrelevant, uninteresting, and obsolete?

June Poll Result: What Do You Automate + Want Automated at Work?

Last month, we polled the Devolutions community to find out what tasks they were already automating at work, and what tasks they would like to see automated in the future.

June Poll Question: Job Automation & Desired Automations?

This month, Devolutions wants to know: what parts of your jobs are automated, and what would you like to automate?

May Poll Results: What Are Your Biggest Concerns About AI?

Last month, we polled the Devolutions community to find out what their biggest concerns about AI are. In this article, we analyze the results and reveal the poll winners.

Why We Recommend Devolutions Hub Personal Instead of Devolutions Online Drive as a Data Source in RDM

We take a look at two popular data source options in Remote Desktop Manager — Devolutions Online Drive and Devolutions Hub Personal — and share why we recommend the latter.

We Want to Hear From You: Take Our RDM for Linux Survey

Devolutions is pleased to announce the launch of its new survey within Remote Desktop Manager (RDM) for Linux to gain insight into users' preferences and needs.

May Poll Question: What Are Your Biggest Concerns About AI?

This month, Devolutions wants to know: what are your biggest concerns about AI?

Upcoming Star Wars TV and Movies: May the Force Be With You

This article delves into details about the highly anticipated new films and series set to expand the Star Wars franchise.

April Poll Results: Your AI Project Plans

Last month, we polled the Devolutions community to find out what AI-related projects they have planned for this or next year. In this article, we analyze the results and reveal the poll winners.

Meet Devolutions in Dublin at Kaseya DattoCon Europe!

Devolutions will be a bronze sponsor at Kaseya DattoCon Europe in Dublin, Ireland from June 26–28, 2023.

Gartner's 7 Priorities for CIOs in 2023

In today's rapidly-evolving technological landscape, CIOs are more important than ever. To help navigate this landscape, Gartner has identified seven key priorities for CIOs to focus on.

Remote Desktop Manager Software vs. Remote Management and Monitoring Software

Understanding the differences between RDM and RMM plays a crucial role in selecting the right software that best aligns with one’s business needs.

10 Tech Ideas That Will Change the World

In this article, we explore 10 trends that are set to shape this revolution and their potential impact on our lives.

April Poll Question: What AI-Related Projects Are You Planning for This or Next Year?

This month, Devolutions wants to know: what AI-related projects are you planning for this or next year?

March Poll Results: Are You Using a PAM Solution?

Last month, we polled the Devolutions community to find out if they were using PAM solutions. In this article, we analyze the results and reveal the poll winners.

Devolutions’ Event Calendar: Spring/Summer 2023

Each year, Devolutions participates in many events locally, nationally, and internationally. In this article, we look at where you will find the Devolutions Event Team in spring/summer 2023.