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Free vs Paid Password Manager Devolutions

Password Manager: Free vs. Paid

Just like Stanley from The Office, we agree that it would be lovely if every day was Pretzel Day. After all, who doesn’t love free stuff? However, in the real world we often need to pay for things — a...

Principle Least Privilege POLP Explained

Principle of Least Privilege (POLP): What, Why & Best Practices

The principle of least privilege (POLP) is a policy in which end users are given only the amount of access they need to carry out their jobs — nothing more and nothing less. Understandably, some end u...

[UPDATED] 2019 Most Popular Free Remote Desktop Solutions

Updated April 14, 2020 Please look below for the added Remote Desktop software review and also take a look at our updated comparison table. AnyDesk vs Chrome Remote Desktop vs Windows Remote Desktop C...

Import Remote Desktop Manager Entries to Password Server

How to Export All Remote Desktop Manager Entries to Devolutions Password Server

I have a confession to make: prior to working at Devolutions, I wasn’t as cautious as I am today with password security. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not like I did unforgivable things like choose “123456...

Building Better Cyber Budget Liberty Center One

Five Steps to Building a Better Cyber Budget

There’s a pretty good chance your business’s cybersecurity budget needs some serious improvement. Don’t feel too bad – you aren’t alone in that. I’d honestly go so far as to say that the majority of b...

[NEW FEATURE] Office 365 Authentication with Devolutions Password Server

You know how, in every movie, there’s always THE star? In Iron Man, it’s Iron Man. In Thor, it’s Thor. And in Spiderman, it’s Spiderman…OK, maybe my examples here aren’t the most diverse, but you get ...

Case Study Nicolas Bonnet MVP Groupe Scala

[Customer Story] Groupe Scala Increased their Efficiency by Centralizing their Tools into Remote Desktop Manager

“The moment I saw all of Remote Desktop Manager’s features, I knew it was the solution we needed.” -Nicolas Bonnet, Microsoft MVP in Enterprise Mobility & System and Network Engineer at Groupe Sca...

Software Engineers Should Now About GDPR

GDPR and Privacy by Design: What Should Software Engineers Know About GDPR?


Complete Password Manager Compared - UPDATED

[UPDATED] 2019 Most Popular Password Managers Compared

Updated January 10, 2019: We have added Devolutions Password Server! Please look below for the added Password Managers review and also take a look at our updated comparison table. LastPass vs KeePass...

Devolutions Launcher version 1 1

[NEW RELEASE] Devolutions Launcher 1.1

Last November, we released the first official version of Devolutions Launcher. Now that we’re embarking on a new year, we thought it would be fitting to release a new version — so please say hello to ...

[NEW FEATURE] Chat Now Available for Devolutions Password Server (DPS) & Wayk Now

Happy New Year everybody! I hope you all had amazing holidays, and that Santa (or whoever your gift source is) decided you were nice instead of naughty. My approach to getting back to work after takin...

Poll January New Year Resolutions

January Poll Question: What Are Your New Year’s Resolutions? (Plus Tips on How to Keep Them)

We hope that you’ve all recovered from your New Year’s Eve (and perhaps New Year’s Day) reveling, and that your body is slowly but surely forgiving you for various excesses…but hey, New Year’s only ha...

sysadminotaur 079 silent night

Sysadminotaur #79: Silent Night

Password Manager vs. Privileged Access Management (PAM) vs. Single Sign-On (SSO)

It’s been said that in life, it’s the simple things that really matter — like watching a lovely sunset or playing with your cat. But sometimes life gets complicated, like when you’re trying to figure ...

Devolutions Listed in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Privileged Access Management

We are pleased to announce that Devolutions has been listed in Gartner’s first-ever 2018 Magic Quadrant for Privileged Access Management.* Devolutions joins a small group of companies that have been d...

The Critical Importance of Privileged Identity Management (PIM)

As security and risk management (SRM) professionals know — and sometimes have a difficult time getting end users, customers, and other stakeholders to understand and accept — the most important piece ...

IT Pros Users Dangers Online Shopping

IT Pros: It’s Time to Warn Your Users About the Dangers of Online Shopping

As an IT pro, you’ve probably spent many hours educating your users on cyber security best practices, such as always choosing strong and unique passwords, never sharing account credentials, saving pas...


[FEATURE REQUEST SPOTLIGHT] The Evolution of the Check Out System

Earlier this year, one of our valued Remote Desktop Manager power users named Rob Condon made a couple of feature requests on our forum concerning our popular Check Out System. We’ll look at Rob’s sug...

Poll November Desktop Apps VS WebApps Results

November Poll Results: Do You Prefer Desktop Apps or Web Apps?

For the November poll question, we asked whether you prefer desktop apps or web apps. As we’d hoped, there were many responses and interesting comments. Before looking at some of the feedback, here’s ...

[UPDATED] Comparing 8 Popular VPN Solutions

Updated November 13, 2018: We have added PureVPN! Please look below for the added Password Managers review and also take a look at our updated comparison table. Recently, we focused on the importance ...