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Devolutions 2022 Roadmap

At the beginning of each year, we share some of the key milestones that we have planned for our suite of products. Please join us as we travel across the Devolutions 2022 Roadmap.

[NEW] Use Case: How Organizations That Use RDP Can Improve Security, Performance & Functionality by Switching from RD Gateway to Devolutions Gateway

In our new case study (which includes how-to steps), you will discover how this approach;,enhances security, reduces exposure, expands visibility, and improves network performance.

[Customer Story]: Interview with CompKickers’ Founder John Kenny on Discovering and Using Remote Desktop Manager

CompKickers’ Founder John Kenny shared his story of discovering and using Remote Desktop Manager to serve his clients and move his company forward.

Cybersecurity vs. IT Security: What’s the Difference?

In the IT world, the terms cybersecurity and IT security are often misused and have their own respective definitions and contexts.

[NEW] Use Case: How Organizations That Use RDP Can Avoid Complexity, Reduce Costs & Boost Network Visibility by Using Devolutions Gateway Instead of a VPN

In this use case, you will discover how this approach; establishes robust security, turns complexity into simplicity, improves network performance, and increases functionality and versatility.

Sysadminotaur #114: Audit

January Poll Question: Compared to 15 Years Ago, What Has Drastically Changed in Your Life Due to Technology?

We would like to know: compared to 15 years ago, what has drastically changed in your life due to technology.

December Poll Result: Which IT and Cybersecurity Investments Do You Want “Santa Cloud” to Give You in 2022?

Last month we asked you: Which IT and Cybersecurity Investments Do You Want Santa Cloud to Give You in 2022? Here are the results:

Seasons greetings devolutions blog

Seasons Greetings from Devolutions!

After yet another unpredictable year full of achievements and anxieties, triumphs and tribulations, the holidays have finally arrived!

Devolutions 2021 year review part 2 blog

Devolutions 2021 Year in Review: Part 2

We started our annual year in review by recapping the first six months of 2021 at Devolutions. Now, let’s continue with a look at the second half of the year!

Devolutions 2021 year review part 1 blog

Devolutions 2021 Year in Review: Part 1

It is that time of year again when we invite you to kick off your shoes, relax in your favorite chair, play some festive tunes and enjoy a recap of 2021 here at Devolutions.

10 holiday displays around the world devolutions blog

10 Spectacular Holiday Displays Around the World

In honor of this remarkable decorating achievement, we thought it would be fun to look at 10 spectacular holiday displays around the world!

Remote desktop manager faq devolutions blog

Remote Desktop Manager Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions about Remote Desktop Manager, including licensing, setup, integration, and security tips. Learn how to make the most of RDM with our comprehensive FAQ guide.

Halo infinite multiplayer review devolution blog

Review of Halo Infinite Multiplayer & A Look at the State of AAA Games

On November 15, 2021, 343 Industries released the free-to-play Halo Infinite Multiplayer beta. To say that the gaming community was excited about this is an understatement.

Critical vulnerability log4j devolutions blog

Critical Vulnerability in Log4j

A critical vulnerability was discovered in the Apache log4j project (CVE-2021-44228).

Sysadminotaur 113 o holy night shift devolutions blog

Sysadminotaur #113: O Holy Night Shift

Devolutions wins excellence innovation and wellness award blog

[NEWS] Devolutions Wins Gold Award for Excellence, Innovation & Wellness

Devolutions has received the prestigious 2021 Gold Award for Excellence, Innovation & Wellness.

Finding secret rdp registry key using ida key devolutions blog

Finding secret RDP registry keys using IDA Free

Uncover secret RDP registry keys with IDA Free. Follow our guide to enhance your secure RDP configurations and improve your remote access security.

Comparing devolutions 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 state of cybersecurity devolutions blog

Comparing the Devolutions’ 2020-2021 & 2021-22 State of Cybersecurity in SMBs Surveys

Now that we have crunched the numbers for the Devolutions State of Cybersecurity in SMBs in 2021-2022 Survey, we can compare results from this year’s version to last year’s version!

December 2021 poll question santa cloud devolutions blog

December Poll Question: Which IT and Cybersecurity Investments Do You Want “Santa Cloud” to Give You in 2022?

What IT and cybersecurity investments do you want Santa Cloud to give you in 2022?