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July Poll Results: What Makes You Feel Like an IT Superhero?

Our theme this year for SysAdmin Appreciation Day is celebrating the heroic IT pros who work hard to keep networks, systems, and devices optimized and secure — while also helping their organizations i...

[Customer Story] Discover How Wortell Is Using Remote Desktop Manager to Increase Efficiency, Visibility, Security & Governance

“We can trust and depend on Devolutions.”—Adrie Bergwerff, Process Controller, Change, Improve and Inform at Wortell Client Snapshot: Wortell Headquartered in the Netherlands, Wortell empowers people ...

Should You Trust a Third Party with Your Cybersecurity?

In our last cybersecurity post on Devolutions, which explained how our MDR service works, we received a lot of great feedback. But we repeatedly got one question that surprised us: “Why would I ever t...

What IT “Superpowers” Do You Wish You Had?

SysAdmin Appreciation Day is happening on July 30, 2021. This is an annual event when colleagues and customers take the opportunity to thank dedicated, competent, and hard-working SysAdmins (and other...

Wayk is dead, long live Wayk!

Summertime is the perfect time for vacation and relaxation, but it is also an opportunity to take a step back and reflect on what is to come. Building a new product from scratch and make it commercial...

[Feature Spotlight] Using the Multiple Monitor Span Display in Remote Desktop Manager

These days, using just one monitor doesn’t cut it anymore with Zoom meetings, chat apps, and SO MANY BROWSER TABS OPEN ALL THE TIME (honestly, it’s really­­ out of control).Well, we have some good new...

[Customer Story] Discover How Aptean Is Using Remote Desktop Manager to Streamline Administration, Strengthen Security, Increase Visibility & Enhance Efficiency

“All of our Consultants and Developers are now using Remote Desktop Manager, and they simply can’t work without it anymore.”—Ron van Elteren, Technical Consultant, Aptean Client Snapshot: Aptean Aptea...


Devolutions Is Now Officially a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA)

To better streamline our vulnerability disclosure process and promote transparency across the security of our products, we are pleased to announce that Devolutions has been authorized by the CVE Progr...

[In The News] Our VP of Business Solutions Maurice Côté Lists 3 Tools to Improve Security Posture in The Record Article

A new feature article by our VP of Business Solutions, Maurice Côté, has been published by The Record. In the feature article, Maurice lists three tools that all organizations — including smaller busi...

Do You Have These 6 Essential Post-Pandemic Workplace Skills?

While the pandemic is not over — some health experts say that “herd immunity” may not be achieved until 2022 or beyond — there is growing (but cautious) optimism that the worst-of-the-worst is behind ...

5 Common Cybersecurity Mistakes SMBs Make — and How to Fix Them

Legendary crooner Frank Sinatra — and a countless number of inebriated wedding guests who fancy themselves as karaoke superstars — have grabbed the mic and belted out the classic song My Way, which in...

Sysadminotaur #108: Debugging

Ransomware Rising: What’s Happening & How to Protect Your Organization

It is not malware. It is not spyware. It is not Trojans. It is not even DDoS. No, according to experts the title of the scariest beast on the cyberthreat landscape now belongs to ransomware. What is R...

July Poll Question: What Makes You Feel Like an IT Superhero?

As we all know, working in the IT world can be difficult; especially these days, when so much of an organization’s success — or make that its survival — depends on a secure and functional tech ecosyst...

June Poll Results: What Are You Doing to Cope with Stress?

Working in IT is always stressful. But over the last year and a half, many IT professionals have been forced to deal with unprecedented pressure, expectations, and deadlines. And even though things on...

7 Must-Read Cybersecurity Books in 2021

Benjamin Franklin once said: “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” On the other hand, author Anthony J. D'Angelo cautioned: “In your thirst for knowledge, be sure not to drown in...

20 Shocking Cybercrime Statistics: 2021 Edition

There are some horror movie franchises that get scarier and scarier with each release. Well, the cybercrime landscape is like that: just when you think that things are as frightening as they can get…t...

New Password Hub Family Credential Type: Azure Service Principal

Let’s roll out the red carpet, start the drumroll, and let the white doves fly as we welcome a new credential type to the Password Hub Family: Azure Service Principal. About Azure Service Principal...

Supply Chain Attacks are On the Rise — Here’s How to Protect Your Organization

To say that the last 18 months have been unkind to many organizations is like saying that the sun is rather warm, or that the Himalayas are somewhat hilly. Frankly, the past year-and-a-half has been b...

Recap of E3 2021: News, Reveals, Trailers & Letdowns

Hello fellow video game enthusiasts! After skipping last year due to the pandemic, E3 came roaring back to life in 2021 from June 12-15. I had the good fortune of being selected by Devolutions to atte...