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Sysadminotaur #125: Christmas

Recap of Devolutions Central 2022

Devolutions Central Online 2022 on December 7 was an absolute hit! Our team had such a blast — we just can't wait to do it all over again!

Devolutions Server 2022.3 Now Available

In this article, we look at what’s new and improved in Devolutions Server 2022.3!

Advanced vnc features in remote desktop manager devolutions

Advanced VNC Features in Remote Desktop Manager

Explore the advanced VNC features in Remote Desktop Manager. Learn how to leverage encryption, file transfer, and more to optimize and secure your remote connections effectively.

December Poll Question: What Old School Computer Launched Your Love of IT?

For our December poll, we want to know: what old-school computer system launched your love of IT?

November Poll Results: Managed Service Providers, What are Your Top 3 Features in a Remote Monitoring and Management Solution?

What counts as an “effective” RMM solution for an MSP? To find out, we asked MSPs in our November poll to list their top 3 features in a RMM solution.

Remote Desktop Manager 2022.3 Now Available

We are ready for the next stop on our visual tour: a look at the new and improved features in Remote Desktop Manager 2022.3.

Remote Desktop Manager, Devolutions Server, and Password Hub Business 2022.3 Now Available + A Look at New Integrations

We are delighted to announce that versions 2022.3 of Remote Desktop Manager, Devolutions Server, and Password Hub Business are now available!

Diving Into the Survey: Remote Access Management in SMBs + Recommendations

In the Devolutions’ State of IT Security in SMBs in 2022-23 survey, we asked executives and decision-makers in SMBs worldwide to describe how they are managing remote access.

Throwback Thursday: Cool Tech Relics from the Good Ol’ Days

This article explores the wow factor of some older technology, dating from the 1980s all the way back to 100 B.C.E.

Sysadminotaur #124: Black Friday Funnies

Diving Into the Survey: IT Security Awareness in SMBs + Recommendations

Despite the significant and ongoing threat posed by hackers, end users will always be the weakest link in the IT security chain. In the Devolutions’ State of IT Security in SMBs in 2022-23 survey...

Using TRIM to Meet Enhanced Business, Security, and Compliance Needs

This article describes a simple, fast, and proven process improvement program called a TRIM check, which enables businesses to meet enhanced business, security, and compliance needs.

Privileged Access Management in SMBs + Recommendations

We asked executives and decision-makers in SMBs to share how they are approaching, handling, and experiencing privileged access management (PAM) in their companies...

November Poll Question: Managed Service Providers, What are Your Top 3 Features in a Remote Monitoring and Management Solution?

Devolutions is canvassing MSPs in its community to discover what MSPs really need in an RMM solution in order to succeed.

Devolutions Central 2022 is Happening on December 7!

Devolutions Central is returning this year with the same energy and enthusiasm as previous years, but with a few changes.

October Poll Results: The Master List of Your BEST Cybersecurity Advice

In honor of Cybersecurity Awareness Month last October, we compiled a master list of cybersecurity advice contributed to us by our customers.

Notice Regarding High Severity Vulnerabilities in OpenSSL

OpenSSL released an advisory concerning two high severity vulnerabilities in the 3.x line of releases. Devolutions products are not affected by these vulnerabilities.

Our Recommendations for a Halloween Movie Marathon - 2023 Edition

I asked the movie geeks here at Devolutions to give me their best-of-the-best horror movies. Below are the top 13, which are listed in alphabetical order.

Cybersecurity Threats in SMBs + Best Practices on 5 Principles & Policies

Today, we continue this important discussion by highlighting five principles and policies that help SMBs significantly reduce cybersecurity risks, while increasing visibility, governance, and control.