Top News

Poll Results: What’s On Your Remote Desktop Manager Wish List?

Hey everyone, To start with: HAPPY NEW YEAR!  On behalf of everyone here at Devolutions, I hope you have the best year ever, full of health, happiness and success! Next, if you haven’t done so already...

Devolutions year in review 2015

Devolutions 2015 Year in Review: Part 2

Hello everyone! It’s time again for the annual Devolutions Year in Review. If you’re just joining the party, then please start by reading Part 1, which covered some of our major events and happenings ...

Devolutions 2015 year in Review

Devolutions 2015 Year In Review: Part 1

Hello everyone! As we prepare to say goodbye to 2015 and embrace what we all hope will be a wonderful and exciting New Year, we wanted to do a couple of important things. First, we’d like to THANK YOU...

The Key Agent Manager

It’s always nice to receive a little gift once in a while, well we have one for you…the Key Agent Manager (ok, ok were sorry, it’s not a Lightsaber but it’s still pretty exciting!!) and it will make y...

ios 1.1 Remote Desktop Manager

Remote Desktop Manager for iOS 1.1 is Here!

Hi everyone, We have some pretty good news for you!: Remote Desktop Manager for iOS 1.1 is now available! You Asked – We Delivered! This latest edition features some key improvements, including one ...

A New Add-On has Joined the Club: Say Hi to Teradici PCOIP Client

Hi everyone, It’s my pleasure to introduce you to a new member of the Remote Desktop Manager Add-On club: please say hi to the Add-On for Teradici’s PCOIP Client! You can download it right now from: h...

DECEMBER POLL: Santa Cloud is Coming to Town!

Hey everyone, You may be among the hundreds of millions of people who believe that Santa Claus doesn’t exist. Well, we have some good news and bad news about that. The bad news is that rumors of Santa...

iOS versus Android

November’s Poll Results: Are you STILL an iPhone iFan or Android Addict?

Hey everyone, November flew by, and that means it’s time to share the results of last month’s poll. As you may remember, last month we asked you to share if and why you’re STILL an iPhone iFan or an A...

Thankful For 2015

What piece of technology are you most thankful for?

As our US customers, partners and friends get ready to settle in for Thanksgiving -- which includes overeating, watching football (or Home Alone on TV!), and plenty of BEER! – we wanted to ask you a q...

Remote Desktop Manager for iOS: What's in Store?

Hi RDMers, Last month, we announced the much-anticipated launch of Remote Desktop Manager for iOS. If you haven’t downloaded them yet, here’s where you’ll find them: What’s In Store? We thought you'...

ControlUp and Remote Desktop Manager - Stay on Target!

by Eugene Kalayev, VP Product Management, ControlUp Back in 2012, I wrote a whitepaper comparing different remote desktop connection software products that were available at the time. Among the variou...

iOS versus Android

November Poll : Are You an iPhone iFan or Android Addict?

Hey RDMers, Almost 2 years ago (wow, where has the time gone!?) we asked you to tell us if we should focus on developing RDM for iOS or RDM for Android. Plenty of votes came in, and the winner – by a ...

October’s Poll Results: What RDM Development Are You Most Excited About?

Hey RDMers, We hope you had a fun Halloween! As usual, we ate too much candy and junk over here. But it’s not our fault! The candy companies make everything soooooo gooooooood. We’re just victims here...

Remote Desktop Manager built-in and easy-to-use Screen Recorder

Hello RDMers, Ever been in a situation where you had a bug with RDM and tried to explain it by email to one of our Support expert and just couldn’t exactly find the proper way to describe the problem,...

Remote Desktop Manager for Android: What’s In Store?

Hello RDMers, By now, you’ve hopefully heard – and even better, have hopefully used – Remote Desktop Manager for Android, which we officially launched last week for Android. If you haven’t yet downl...

Change Connection Type

Hello RDMers, It’s been a long time coming for this recent feature. We have had requests pouring in for months asking us for an option that will allow you to change an entry type with a click of a but...

HOME SWEET HOME: Check Our Devolutions’ Cool New Office!

Hello RDMers! Over the last few weeks, we’ve been announcing a lot of new product launches – and things have been pretty crazy around here (but in a good way!). Well, one of the “updates” that we’ve b...

Yay! Another good news! Devolutions Server 3.0 is available NOW!

Hello RDMers, Well here is something we really hate to do but sometime the ends justifies the means and this is one of those situations! To now be able to use Devolutions Server 3.0 you will be requir...

Devolutions Online Backup Now Free and Included with your Remote Desktop Manager License!!

Hello RDMers, Have you ever lost your cellphone? That complete state of panic when you realize that you have lost all your numbers, all your pictures, all those souvenirs that were stored in your cell...

Devolutions Custom Installer Now Included with your Remote Desktop Manager License and Totally FREE!!

Hello RDMers, Were often asked what is the fastest way to redistribute data sources or registration information among your organization or different IT environments, so we thought we would give you a ...