As an IT enthusiast, I spend a lot of time on IT-related blogs, forums, subreddits and so on. But one thing I’ve noticed in my journey across the interwebs is that there aren’t a lot of IT pros recomm...
I could easily spend the next few months highlighting all of the new and improved features in Remote Desktop Manager 13.5. But today, I’ll wrap things up with a look at how we’ve improved the template...
We’re on a roll highlighting new features in Remote Desktop Manager 13.5, and it looks as though all of my blogs this month are going to be about this topic — which is fine with me, because there’s pl...
Here at Devolutions, we just love adding new integrations to our ever-growing family, because the more we add, the easier it is for you to manage everything in one centralized solution. Today, I’m hap...
After months and months of dark and cold winter, we’re slowly seeing signs of spring. The birds are singing, the sun is shining, and the snow has given way to grass (sure it’s frozen and yellow, but h...
Ah yes, once again it’s time to get back to basics! A little while ago, I discussed how Remote Desktop Manager sometimes needs a database upgrade to ensure new features are properly added Today, I wan...
If you’re like me and your head is in the clouds a lot (it’s kind of an “absent-minded professor” thing), then you should be using one of my favorite tools: Devolutions Web Login. Devolutions Web Logi...
When it comes to managing credentials in RDM, there’s no “one size fits all” method. The optimal approach depends on several factors, including your organization’s security policies and compliance req...
Hi everyone, As you probably know, I usually blog about new and improved RDM features. However, we don’t want to ignore those of you who are new to RDM (and for those who are thinking of giving it a t...
Recently, we posted a blog that looked at the different types of reports you can generate in Remote Desktop Manager to make your life easier and your enterprise more secure. But what if you want to cr...
While sysadmins and other vital IT specialists don’t always see eye-to-eye with their bosses (as was hilariously illustrated in Sysadminotaur #64), there is one thing that everyone agrees on: saving t...
Discover 10 essential best practices for system administrators to enhance career success and happiness. Learn effective strategies for managing systems, improving security, and boosting growth.
IT pros know that having a strong and comprehensive password policy helps keep data safe — and away from hackers. Everyone knows that a password manager can help respect policies that involve securely...
How can Remote Desktop Manager help make your system more secure? How can RDM help you ensure that your whole organization implements its password policy best practices? Even if your user guidelines f...
As you probably know, RDM integrates with several public object storage repositories, such as AmazonS3, Azure Blog, Dropbox, OneDrive and Azure Table Storage Explorer. But there was always one guest m...
As you’ve hopefully experienced, the Offline Mode is great when you’re working off-site, or when you don’t have an internet connection (the horror!). But there’s one aspect of working offline that isn...
If you’ve started exploring the new RDM 13, you may be wondering what we’ve done with the feature that allowed you to share favorite sessions and entries with other users. Yes, that’s right, I said “a...
Controling the IT chaos in your world is a challenge — especially when you’re running multiple apps at the same time. That’s why we think you’ll like (or maybe even love) an improved feature in RDM 13...
If you have dozens, hundreds or thousands of entries in Remote Desktop Manager (RDM), you probably wish there was a fast and easy way to find the specific entry you need, when you need it. Well guess ...
You know how frustrating it is when another user disconnects you from a server? Sure, it’s not personal — but it’s still annoying. Well, that suffering is over thanks to the new Check Out feature, whi...