
Poll January New Year Resolutions

January Poll Question: What Are Your New Year’s Resolutions? (Plus Tips on How to Keep Them)

We hope that you’ve all recovered from your New Year’s Eve (and perhaps New Year’s Day) reveling, and that your body is slowly but surely forgiving you for various excesses…but hey, New Year’s only ha...

Poll November Desktop Apps VS WebApps Results

November Poll Results: Do You Prefer Desktop Apps or Web Apps?

For the November poll question, we asked whether you prefer desktop apps or web apps. As we’d hoped, there were many responses and interesting comments. Before looking at some of the feedback, here’s ...

Poll November Desktop Apps VS Web Apps

November Poll: Do You Prefer Desktop Apps or Web Apps?

While having a lot of choices can be a good thing, sometimes it can be overwhelming. For example, there are thousands of IT tools available in the marketplace, with more launched every day. There just...

Poll July Windows Commands for IT Pros

July Poll: Which Windows Commands Should Every IT Pro Know?

Last November, we asked our community of IT Pros if they were Windows or Mac. Not surprisingly, most of you are Windows — if not necessarily by choice, then by requirement, since you work in a Windows...

Poll December Personality 2017 Results

December Poll Results: Who’s the Personality of the Year?

To wrap up the year, we asked you to tell us: who’s the personality of the year? To make things more interesting, we invited you to choose anyone from any industry — not just the IT world. As we had h...

Poll November Windows Mac Jedi Sith Results

November Poll Results: Are You Windows or Mac?

Last month, we asked whether you’re Windows or Mac — and why. While we hoped for some great responses, we were amazed by how many people participated. Thank you to everyone for sharing your opinions a...

Poll November Windows Mac Jedi Sith

November Poll: Are You Windows or Mac?

History is full of big battles. For example: the first battle between Jedi and Sith happened in 6900 BBY (before the Battle of Yavin). Star Wars Break Now, I know that you’re here to learn about the ...

Poll October Job Automated AI Result

October Poll Results: Which tasks in your job would you like to be automated by AI?

Last month, we asked you: “Which tasks in your job would you like to be automated by AI?” It definitely seems that many of you are looking for the improvement of Artificial Intelligence to automate so...

April Poll: What PAM Software Do You Use & Recommend?

April Poll: What PAM Solution Do You Use & Recommend?

The beginning of April may be dominated by April Fool’s jokes, but for the poll this month we’re taking a more serious turn, because the topic is network security. Specifically, we’d like to know: wha...


February Poll Results: What Are the 3 BEST IT Mobile Apps You Use For Work?

Last month, we asked you to share your personal list of the 3 best IT apps on Google Play and in the App Store. As we had hoped, the response was great. Also as we had hoped, while many of you kindly ...


January Poll: What’s at the Top of Your 2017 CRAZY List?

Happy New Year RDMers! As you all work at getting back in the groove – hoping, as you do every year, you’ll never hear another mall Christmas song again – we thought we’d give you a boost with a fun p...


November Poll: What Have You Automated Using PowerShell?

As you hopefully know by now, the official release of Remote Desktop Manager 12 is closer than ever! Recently, we shared an advance preview of what’s in store, including the new PowerShell module. It’...


August Poll Results: Which Software Review/Discussion Websites Do You Trust?

In last month’s poll, we asked you to share which software review and discussion websites you trust. We received some great responses here on our blog and on our social media pages as well. Some of yo...


August Poll: Which Software Review/Discussion Websites Do You Trust?

Wow – is it August already!? Summer is flying by. I hope that you’re all enjoying this time of year and getting a chance to hang out on the patio or head to the beach. Enjoy it while it lasts, though,...

Devolutions June Poll Results - User Favorite VPN

June’s Poll Results: What’s Your Favorite VPN?

As you may remember, last month we asked you to share your favorite VPN, and tell us why you love it. We received plenty of responses on our blog and other social media channels, and there was a diver...

June-Favorite VPN-RemoteDesktopManager-Result

June Poll: What’s your Favorite VPN?

Summer is on the way, which means lots of sunscreen, lots of beer, and lots of parties. But before all of that good stuff rolls in, we need to focus on REALLY important items like the June Poll! This ...


May Poll Results: What’s Your Favorite Help Desk Solution?

Last month, we asked you to share your favorite help desk solution. We had some great responses here on our blog, as well as on our social media platforms. Here’s a snapshot of what some of you had to...

Devolutions May Poll: Help deak tool

May Poll: What’s Your Favorite Help Desk Solution?

Hey RDMers! May is here, which means that in our part of the world the days are getting longer, the sun is shining more, there’s no need to keep a snow brush and ice scraper in the car (hopefully!), a...

Devolutions April poll -2FactorAuthentication

April Poll Results: What’s Your View on Two-Factor Authentication?

Hello RDMers, May is finally here, which means that the sun and warm weather are finally coming back to our part of the world! Of course, for all the IT pros in the southern hemisphere, to sprinkle in...

April Poll: What’s Your View on Two-Factor Authentication?

Hey everyone, As you likely know already, a few months ago we implemented two-factor authentication (2FA) to enhance our users’ security, and keep their data from falling into the wrong hands even if ...