
Wayk is dead devolutions blog

Wayk is dead, long live Wayk!

Summertime is the perfect time for vacation and relaxation, but it is also an opportunity to take a step back and reflect on what is to come. Building a new product from scratch and make it commercial...

Devolutions is cve numbering authority cna blog

Devolutions Is Now Officially a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA)

To better streamline our vulnerability disclosure process and promote transparency across the security of our products, we are pleased to announce that Devolutions has been authorized by the CVE Progr...

Maurice côté 3 tools improve security posture devolutions blog

[In The News] Our VP of Business Solutions Maurice Côté Lists 3 Tools to Improve Security Posture in The Record Article

A new feature article by our VP of Business Solutions, Maurice Côté, has been published by The Record. In the feature article, Maurice lists three tools that all organizations — including smaller busi...

Password analyzer report in hub business 2021.1 devolutions blog

[New Feature Spotlight] Password Analyzer Report in Password Hub Business 2021.1.

Recently, we launched the much anticipated version 2021.1 of Password Hub Business, which includes several additions and enhancements. Today, I’m taking a deeper look at one of the most important and ...

Cloud based vs on premise password management solutions devolutions blog

World Password Day: A Closer Look at Cloud-Based vs. On-Premises Password Management Solutions

May 6th is World Password Day. This annual occasion, which falls on the first Thursday in May, is an opportunity to promote better password hygiene, which unfortunately is something that many business...

Devolutions server dvls 2021.1 blog

[New Release] Introducing Devolutions Server 2021.1

Wow — where has the time gone? I cannot believe that it has been about six months since my last article. Well, I am excited to be here now, so that I can introduce you to a whole slew of impressive up...

Devolutions hub business 2021.1 blog

[NEW RELEASE] Password Hub Business 2021.1

The last year has been full of uncertainty. But there is one thing that everyone can count on: we will continue to improve our products to help you work more securely, efficiently, and productively. A...

State cybersecurity smb devolutions blog

[NEW] Take our State of Cybersecurity in SMBs in 2021 Survey

SMBs are starting to realize that a robust and up-to-date cybersecurity strategy is not only important, but essential. With the difficult year that has passed and considering the significant data brea...

Rdm 2021.1 remote desktop manager devolutions blog

[NEW RELEASE] Remote Desktop Manager 2021.1 Now Available

In early February, our CEO David published the 2021 Devolutions Roadmap, which is a look ahead at the key developments that we have planned for this year. Today, I am pleased to announce that we have ...

Security advice identity management day devolutions blog

Security Advice: How to Bridge the Gap Between Authentication & Authorization

The second Tuesday in April marks “Identity Management Day.” Created by the Identity Defined Security Alliance (IDSA), this special occasion — which is having its inauguration in 2021 — is an opportun...

Massive facebook data breach how to check devolutions blog

How to Check Whether You’re Part of the Massive Facebook Data Breach

Facebook’s motto is “move fast and break things.” And although “user trust” is certainly not on the list of breakables, that may be the case in the wake of a massive data breach at the social media gi...

Devolutions now certified iso 27001 blog

[NEWS] Devolutions is Now ISO/IEC 27001 Certified

I have some exciting news to share with all of you: on March 1, 2021, Devolutions’ Information Security Management System (ISMS) officially achieved certification per the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard. ...

Use case 5 blog devolutions server improve security when authenticating rdm users devolutions blog

[NEW] Use Case: How Organizations Can Use Devolutions Server to Improve Security When Authenticating Remote Desktop Manager Users

Remote Desktop Manager is a secure solution that authenticates each user. This prevents unauthorized logins, and it also enables comprehensive auditing. One of the methods that Remote Desktop Manager ...

Lastpass free changes devolutions blog hub rdm remote desktop manager

Big Changes Coming to LastPass Free + Invitation to Try Password Hub Personal with Remote Desktop Manager Free

Weak passwords continue to be the number one security risk, and that means using a good password management tool is essential — not optional. However, if you use LastPass Free, then you should be awar...

White paper petri 5 quick wins for smbs cybersecurity in 2021 devolutions blog

5 Quick Wins for SMB Cybersecurity in 2021

THIS ARTICLE WAS WRITTEN BY THE PETRI TEAM IN PARTNERSHIP WITH DEVOLUTIONS. There is no doubt that security incidents are on the rise for businesses of all shapes and sizes. With the recent pandemic,...

Use case 4 integrating remote desktop manager with password hub business rdm devolutions blog

[NEW] Use Case: How Organizations Can Benefit from Integrating Remote Desktop Manager with Password Hub Business

A growing number of organizations have remote workers who are working in different locations, and at different times. Also, some Managed Service Providers (MSPs) have workers who spend the majority of...

Use case 3 specific mfa tools remote desktop manager users rdm devolutions blog

[NEW] Use Case: How Organizations Can Increase Security by Enforcing Specific MFA Tools for Remote Desktop Manager Users

Two Factor Authentication (2FA) supports unambiguous identification of users through the combination of their assigned credentials (username/password combination) and another component. This could be:...

Devolutions Roadmap 2021 blog

Devolutions 2021 Roadmap

Hello everyone and Happy New Year! At the start of each year, I have the pleasure of sharing our annual Roadmap. This is our look ahead at the major milestones that we have planned for each of our pro...

Organizations integrating remote desktop manager active directory rdm devolutions blog

[NEW] Use Case: How Organizations Can Benefit from Integrating Remote Desktop Manager with Active Directory

Remote Desktop Manager is a powerful yet easy-to-use solution that enables organizations to manage all of their remote connections and credentials on a centralized platform. However, if organizations ...

Gartner strategic technology trends 2021 devolutions blog

Gartner Lists Top 9 Strategic Technology Trends for 2021

Gartner has revealed its picks of the top 9 strategic technology trends for 2021. This year’s anticipated trends are anchored by three core themes that are all especially relevant in light of COVID-19...