Hi everyone! Since 2012, we’ve enjoyed a very successful partnership with Awake Coding, the creator of open source project FreeRDP: a free cross-platform implementation of RDP used in Remote Desktop M...
Hey everyone, Are you planning on speaking at a conference or is your user group planning on having a workshop, a get together or any other kind of event? Well guess what: we can help! Simply send us ...
Hey everyone, We hope that you’ve had a chance to explore Remote Desktop Manager for Mac. The product was built using a NATIVE Mac platform, since we know how much you Mac lovers hate flimsy Windows d...
Hey everyone, After lots (and lots!) of hard work by our programming and development teams, and thanks to feedback from our amazing community of IT pros who participated in our Beta program, we’re thr...
Hi RDMers! As you probably know, last month we launched Remote Desktop Manager 10, which offer tons of cool new features and functions. Well, if you thought we're done launching new products for a whi...
THE KING IS DEAD, LONG LIVE THE KING! As you hopefully know by now, here at Devolutions we’re obsessed with making your life easier and simpler. We know how complicated life can be in IT, and we want ...
Hi everyone! The big day has finally arrived! Today we’re proud to officially launch Remote Desktop Manager 10. Many of you participated in the beta program, and we’d like to thank you so much for you...
Yesterday, we highlighted three powerful and successful women in IT: Marissa Mayer (CEO, Yahoo!), Meg Whitman (CEO, HP), Virginia M. Rometty (CEO, IBM), Today, we conclude our look by focusing on thre...
Since we launched Devolutions in 2004, our team members have had the honor and pleasure of interacting with incredibly smart and talented IT pros around the world via our blog and forum, as well as th...
Hello RDMers, We've been working extremely hard on our next release and we wanted to give you guys some highlights of what's coming. Many of you are actively participating in the beta program and h...
Hi everyone! As you may recall, a short while ago some members of the Devolutions team along with our friend and partner Marc-André Moreau, the CEO of Awake Coding, drove all the way from Montreal to ...
Hey guys, Since they had such an amazing time at Microsoft’s TechEd over the past three years, our CEO (David), CTO (Stef), Product Manager (Mo) and Marketing Director (Max) thought it would be a blas...
Hi everyone, To celebrate the second anniversary of our blog, we’re thrilled to officially introduce you to the new and improved Devolutions Blog 2.0! As you’ll quickly discover, our new blog features...
Hello RDMers! There has been a breaking change in VMware’s PowerCLI v5.5 R2 that forced us to change the version of the PowerCLI that we were compiled against. This means that users of our latest ver...
Hi everyone, As you may recall, we recently welcomed some amazing team members here at Devolutions. A few days ago I sat down for a Q&A with our newest senior developer Sébastien Crête. Today, I’...
Hey everyone, As you may know, over a year ago we developed a great tool called Devolutions Localizer, which allows users to translate Remote Desktop Manager into different languages. So far, our am...
Hey everyone, As you may already know, in a few days the Devolutions team will be heading to Houston for Microsoft TechEd 2014. The countdown has finally begun! Last year, TechEd was held in New Orl...
Hi everyone, Here at Devolutions, we’re really excited because once again we’ll be exhibiting our product line in Houston, Texas at Microsoft TechEd 2014 in May 12-15, 2014. And guess what? I just che...
Hi everyone! We are publicly opening the beta registration for Remote Desktop Manager Jump (RDM Jump). You might remember project codename Jumping Jack. No more secrecy, time for details. Thank you to...
Hi all, We often have customers, coming in via various channels, that end up trying one of our products and deciding to purchase what they've tried. That makes us really happy, but during the purchasi...