Fun & lifestyle


[Quiz] Are You a TRUE Techie?

As you hopefully know, here at Devolutions we think we have the SMARTEST community of IT pros in the world (make that the galaxy). But every now and then, we like to throw out a quiz to test this imme...

Top 3 Reasons to Become — or Not to Become — a SysAdmin

The time was September, 2014. Scotland narrowly voted to stay in the U.K. Guardians of the Galaxy was the number one box office hit. And the Devolutions Crew was busy asking the wonderful members of o...


Devolutions’ Pinball Saga: Part II

You may recall that about a year ago, I bragged about the awesome collection of pinball machines here at Devolutions HQ. Well guess what? We’ve almost doubled the level of awesome by going from 7 to 1...


7 Cool VR Apps to Check Out

Remember when the “next big thing” was HDTV? Well, these days HDTV is standard, and what everyone’s looking forward to is when (not if) Virtual Reality takes over and thrusts us into the action. I mea...


[UPDATED] 100+ Must-Have IT Tools – IT Pros Have Spoken!

You may recall that in November, we posted a large list of must-have IT tools. The list was curated using submissions we received to one of our most popular polls ever, in which we asked you to share ...


The History of Programming

Are you a student of history? If so, then you may know when the Magna Carta was signed, or who fought at the Battle of Waterloo. But how sharp are your mind and memory when it comes to the history of ...

Hottest hobbies geeks devolutions fun

Top hobbies for geeks: embrace your inner tech enthusiast

Discover the hottest hobbies for geeks, from retro gaming to home brewing. Explore activities that tech enthusiasts love and find your next favorite pastime.


IT Pros Favorite IT-Themed Movies

The IT world moves FAST. Stuff that is futuristic today is retro tomorrow. But sometimes we all just need to dial it down, call a time out, and chill on our couch while watching a great flick. And sin...


8 Really Useful Websites for IT Pros

There are now over 1 billion sites on the web – which would be amazing, except so many of them leave a lot to be desired. In fact, a lot of them are downright scary (and no, we’re not just talking abo...


[QUIZ] Celebrating the Star Trek 50th Anniversary - How well do you know Star Trek?

For millions of people around the world, September 8, 1966 is sacred: it’s the day the intrepid crew of the USS Enterprise first hit the airwaves. And while the original Star Trek only had 79 episodes...


7 Mobile Apps Every IT Pro Should Use

As an IT pro, you’re not always at your desk. Many times, you’re with customers, helping a colleague, at a conference, in training, stuck in yet another status meeting (sorry…), and so on. Well, to ma...

Thankful For 2015

What piece of technology are you most thankful for?

As our US customers, partners and friends get ready to settle in for Thanksgiving -- which includes overeating, watching football (or Home Alone on TV!), and plenty of BEER! – we wanted to ask you a q...

Fun Stuff: The World’s Geekiest Houses

Hey RDMers! As you recall, a few months ago we shared with you some amazing geeky room designs that we’re drooling over (and we’re still trying to persuade our wonderful, smart, kind and GENEROUS CEO ...

Some Sci-Fi Technologies that are Slowly Coming to Life…

Hey everyone, If you’re a fan of Sci-Fi movies, you’ve probably caught yourself wondering how long it’s going to take someone like Professor Frink (“he makes you laugh, he makes you think”) to turn so...

Apps for People Who Are Easily Distracted at Work!

Hey everyone, Do you sometimes feel that it’s hard to focus on…hey look, a unicorn!...where was I? Do you sometimes struggle to stay focused at work? :) Well, if you said yes, then JOIN THE CLUB! It c...

7 Things New IT Grads Should Know

Hey IT Newbies! Congratulations on wrapping up your IT degree, diploma or other training program. I’m sure it was a lot of hard work and maybe a few “all-nighters” studying for tests and exams, but he...

Behold: The Coolest Designs…EVER!

Hey everyone, Well, we thought we had a pretty cool geek cave here…but man, when we came across these and were totally blown away. We were also INSPIRED, because we’re going to try and persuade our wo...

Best Geeky Drinking Games!

Hey everyone, Here at Devolutions we work really hard to make your lives as simple, easy and efficient as possible. We know that IT pros like you are “always expected to do more with less,” and we try...

Devolutions It Gadgets 2015

9 Gadgets that any IT Pro should have in his Office

Hey everyone! One reason we like sharing pics of our office, is because we’re really proud of the cool gadgets that we have around here. Stuff like our fridge (check out the logo at the top!), our du...

Geek Alert: The Evolution of Gaming!

Hey everyone, These days, it’s hard not to be wowed by the crystal clear graphics of Xbox and Playstation, and to be amazed at the elaborate, sophisticated games that are available. And it’s not just...