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January Poll Results: How Did Your Projects Go in 2020, and What Are You Planning in 2021?

To say that 2020 was merely “unusual” is like saying the Grand Canyon is a “little hole in the ground,” or that the Himalayas are “some pretty tall hills.” In so many ways, 2020 was unlike anything we...

[NEW] Bitwarden Now Integrated in Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise

The start of a new year means that it’s time to make New Year’s Resolutions — or, if you’re like me, make the same resolutions that you’ve made many times in the past (“eat healthier” has been on my l...


7 Lessons Learned from the Biggest Data Breaches of 2020

Recently, we looked at some of the biggest data breaches of 2020. Here is a recap of some of the most notable incidents: ,300,000 users were impacted by a mass account hijacking campaign at Nintendo...


The Biggest Data Breaches of 2020

It goes without saying that the biggest story of 2020 — or make that the 21st century so far — was the coronavirus pandemic. However, while that crisis raged on, hackers did not go into “lockdown mode...

Glossary of Common Privileged Access Management (PAM) Terms

When I started working at Devolutions a long time ago (it’s been five years — time flies when you’re having fun!), I thought my language skills were pretty good. I mean, I’m fluent in English and Fren...


Devolutions 2021 Roadmap

Hello everyone and Happy New Year! At the start of each year, I have the pleasure of sharing our annual Roadmap. This is our look ahead at the major milestones that we have planned for each of our pro...


[NEW] Use Case: How Organizations Can Benefit from Integrating Remote Desktop Manager with Active Directory

Remote Desktop Manager is a powerful yet easy-to-use solution that enables organizations to manage all of their remote connections and credentials on a centralized platform. However, if organizations ...

[TUTORIAL] How to Enhance Your IIS Server Security with Client Certificates

Certificates are easily deployed in an Active Directory (AD) infrastructure, but using them to manage access — especially to websites hosted on an Internet Information Services (IIS) server — can be c...


Gartner Lists Top 9 Strategic Technology Trends for 2021

Gartner has revealed its picks of the top 9 strategic technology trends for 2021. This year’s anticipated trends are anchored by three core themes that are all especially relevant in light of COVID-19...


January Poll Question: How Did Your Projects Go in 2020 & What Are You Planning in 2021 ?

IT. IS. OVER. Of course, we’re talking about the annus horribilis known as 2020. Let’s see, we had: ,So many hurricanes and tropical storms that the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administra...


December Poll Results: How Are You Planning to Spend Your Holidays this Year?

Normally, we would say something like “another holiday season has come and gone.” But as we all know, there was nothing normal about 2020. Frankly, most of us are happy to say goodbye to one of the mo...


Sysadminotaur #102: Essential


Devolutions Central Online Event Recap

We would like to start by saying a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who attended Devolutions Central Online, which was our very first virtual event! Not only was it so much fun to organize but to then see ev...


The Importance of Using a Password Manager

Recently, Devolutions surveyed decision-makers in SMBs worldwide on a variety of key cybersecurity practices and trends. Answers to each question are presented in this report and highlighted in this i...


8 Browser Extensions to Protect Your Privacy

Apple CEO Tim Cook has said: “Our own information is being weaponized against us with military efficiency. Every day, billions of dollars change hands and countless decisions are made on the basis of ...

[Video] Introducing Devolutions Server 2020.3

It’s that time again, when different Development Teams at Devolutions race to launch major updates to all of our products before the year is up! In fact, we even have a special little name for the day...


How to Choose the Right Managed Services Provider

Managed services providers (MSPs) help businesses — especially small and mid-sized firms that don’t have millions of dollars to hire in-house IT experts — increase their capacity and skillset, reduce ...


December Poll Question: How are you planning to spend the holidays this year?

It is said that “hindsight is 20/20”. Well, I think that it’s fair to say that all of us can’t wait to see the year 2020 in the past — because it has been very tough for obvious reasons. We all need t...


November Poll Results: Profiling Managed Service Providers (MSPs)

The MSP industry is growing rapidly, and is expected to be worth $282 billion by 2023 — up from $193 billion in 2019. Last month we asked you to share your experiences either as an MSP serving clients...


Sysadminotaur #101: A.R Matey