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[New Feature Spotlight] Live Thumbnails in Remote Desktop Manager for Linux

Thumbnails are good things because they tell us at a glance what something looks like — and we can determine whether it’s worth our time to drill down and learn more. But do you know what’s even bette...

What Are the Pros & Cons of Fingerprint Recognition Technology?

While UK law enforcers have been using fingerprint technology to convict people since the early 1900s, as recently as a decade ago, we would have struggled to believe we’d soon all use fingerprint rec...

Sysadminotaur #107: Praise

[New Feature Spotlight] Launching Embedded or Undocked Sessions in Remote Desktop Manager for Linux

People outside the IT field sometimes have difficulty grasping that geeks (and of course, I use this term with the utmost respect and affection) don’t just need reliable information to do their jobs e...

4 Key Cloud Security Challenges in 2021 & How to Deal With Them

While drawing conclusions is difficult — and in many cases unwise — given how uncertain things have been over the last 18 months, one significant fact is indisputable: more organizations are rising to...

[GUEST BLOG] 5 Ways That Remote Desktop Manager Supports Teams

The following guest blog was written by Germano da Cunha Diogo Saffier, a highly experienced IT pro, and a valued Devolutions Power User. My experience is that Remote Desktop Manager plays a signific...

June Poll Question: What Are You Doing to Cope with Stress?

We all know that stress is a part of life. In fact, some stress — called eustress — is beneficial, because it motivates us to do things like exercise, learn a skill, or get a better job that ultimatel...

May Poll Results: What Channel-Based Messaging Platform(s) Do You Use + What Are Your Best Communication Tips?

Love them or hate them (or maybe a bit of both), the fact is that channel-based messaging platforms have become mainstream communication tools. And not just for remote workers, either. Employees who a...

5 Reasons Why Lord of the Rings is the BEST Movie Franchise of All Time

2021 marks the 20th anniversary of Peter Jackson’s The Fellowship of the Ring, which, as we all know, was followed by The Two Towers and The Return of the King. To commemorate Geek Pride Day this year...


[QUIZ] How Well Do You Know the Lord of the Rings Trilogy?

Geek Pride Day is here! To celebrate this special occasion, we have prepared a quiz about the Lord of the Rings (LOTR) trilogy. Why LOTR? There are two reasons. First, geeks love LOTR (almost as much ...

Protecting RDP Passwords from Mimikatz Using Remote Credential Guard

There was a bit of a stir recently when someone noticed that the password used to connect with RDP remained in memory and therefore could be grabbed by the popular mimikatz tool. The reality is that t...

Gartner Lists Top Security and Risk Management Trends in 2021

Gartner has revealed its list of the top security and risk management trends that will shape the business landscape in 2021. There are eight trends in total, which have been grouped into three categor...


[NEW FEATURE] Password Hub Business PowerShell Module

Today, we are pleased to shine the spotlight on a great new Password Hub Business feature: the PowerShell Module. About Password Hub Business Before we dive into the easy set-up instructions, here is ...


[New Feature Spotlight] Password Analyzer Report in Password Hub Business 2021.1.

Recently, we launched the much anticipated version 2021.1 of Password Hub Business, which includes several additions and enhancements. Today, I’m taking a deeper look at one of the most important and ...


Sysadminotaur #106: Ring Comics


[New Feature Spotlight] Exporting/Importing Data Source Configurations & Entries in Remote Desktop Manager for Linux

Hello Linux fans, today we’re continuing our tour of some of the best features in Remote Desktop Manager for Linux with a look at one of my personal favorites: exporting or importing data source confi...


World Password Day: A Closer Look at Cloud-Based vs. On-Premises Password Management Solutions

May 6th is World Password Day. This annual occasion, which falls on the first Thursday in May, is an opportunity to promote better password hygiene, which unfortunately is something that many business...


May Poll Question: What Channel-Based Messaging Platform(s) Do You Use + What Are Your Best Communication Tips?

Discord. Slack. Flock. Ryver. Teams. Mattermost. Chanty. No, these are not the names of rock bands, racehorses, or breakfast cereals. They’re popular channel-based messaging platforms that allow teams...


April Poll Results: Which IT Helpdesk Ticketing Solution Do You Use & What Do You Like/Dislike About It?

Way back in 1968, the Beatles sang, “Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Heeeeellllppppp!” Well, fast-forward more than half a century, and end users around t...


May the 4th Be With You: 10 Odd and Fun Facts About Star Wars

As anyone who can make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs knows, May the 4th is Star Wars Day. To mark this special occasion in the galaxy, we thought it would be fun to share 10 odd and fun facts...