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The 10 Highest-Paying IT Certifications in 2021

We have all heard the advice, “Do what you love, and the money will follow.” And while this may indeed be true, as far as financial compensation goes, it certainly helps to have the right certificatio...

[USE CASE]: Advice for Organizations on Whether to Choose Devolutions Server (On Premises) or Password Hub Business (Cloud-Based) Password Management Solution

Strong password management is essential. Research has found that 81% of data breaches are caused by compromised, weak, or re-used passwords, while 29% of all data breaches (regardless of attack type) ...

Sysadminotaur #110: Multifactor

New on Devolutions’ YouTube Channel: Remote Desktop Manager Pro Tips Video Series

Great news: the Devolutions YouTube Channel now features a “Remote Desktop Manager Pro Tips” video series! In these videos, our talented Digital Marketing Specialist and Devolutions’ HQ co-host Yann s...

An Update on Devolutions’ Pinball Machine Empire

Here at Devolutions, we work very hard — because nothing is more important to us than helping the members of our community secure and control the IT chaos. But every now and then, we like to take a br...

The Evolution of Phishing: Why It’s Getting Worse & How to Fight Back

Recently, my colleague Marc-Olivier looked at some interesting and exciting IT trends in 2021. Unfortunately, technology is not only evolving to make our lives better — cyberthreats are also advancing...

September Poll Question: What Technology Trend Will Have the Biggest Impact in the Future?

What do social media, smartphones, wearables, 4G LTE, Big Data Analytics, ridesharing apps, virtual assistants, and streaming have in common? They are all fairly recent technology trends that reshaped...

August Poll Results: What Tool(s) Do You Use in Your Organization to Manage Third-Party Access?

The growing reliance on third-party vendors has helped companies cost-effectively drive productivity, performance, collaboration, compliance, and scalability. That’s the good news. The bad news is tha...

A Closer Look at the Password Hub Personal Emergency Kit

Devolutions’ Password Hub Personal centralizes and secures all of your personal passwords and other sensitive data such as credit card numbers, home alarm system codes, etc. We also know that your tim...

A Look at Some of 2021’s Biggest Tech Trends

In July, the New York Times published a piece called “How Tech Won the Pandemic and Now May Never Lose”. As the title suggests, the article argued that throughout COVID-19 technology provided the tool...

How to Use Devolutions Web Login When Browsing in Incognito Mode

An easy and effective way to keep hackers — or just nosy colleagues, family members, and friends — from snooping on your surfing history, cookies, site data, and form information is by activating “inc...


[USE CASE] How Organizations Can Use Devolutions Web Login to Autofill Website Credentials

Research has found that the average business user must manually type out, or copy/paste, the credentials to 154 websites per month. There are multiple problems with this process, including: It is ted...


Jobs in These 5 Areas of the Economy Will Be the Most In-Demand After COVID

While the pandemic is not over, there are growing — and certainly inspiring — signs that things are slowly returning to normal. For example, children in some countries who have been learning at home f...


[In The News] Our VP of Business Solutions Maurice Côté Advises MSPs on How to Address Client Concerns About Third-Party Access in ChannelPro Network Article

A new feature article by our VP of Business Solutions, Maurice Côté, has been published by ChannelPro Network. In the feature article, Maurice provides practical advice to a growing number of Managed ...

How to Restore a User Vault as a Shared Vault in Password Hub Business

There are some common questions in life that really have no final, definitive, and universally-accepted answer. Questions like: “Why do we press harder on the remote control buttons when we know the b...

Microsoft Announces Two Major Product Developments: Windows 365 and Windows 11

If you’re among the 1.3 billion (yes that’s right — BILLION) people around the world who use Windows, then you can look forward to a couple of major product developments: Windows 365 and Windows 11. A...

Does Your Organization Have a Strategy for Employee Departures?

Until a few decades ago, it was common for people to spend their entire career working for a single employer — often starting from the bottom and working their way up through the ranks until retiring....

Sysadminotaur #109: BYOD 2

See also: Sysadminotaur #007: BYOD

[NEW FEATURE SPOTLIGHT] Dark Theme in RDM for Android Is Here!

I have some great news for all of you RDM for Android users: Your wait is over, because Dark Theme has arrived! Dark Theme has been available on every other RDM platform for quite a while. However, it...

August Poll Question: What Tool(s) Do You Use in Your Organization to Manage Third-Party Access?

Over the past few years, the use of third-party vendors has increased dramatically as organizations look for ways to cut costs, increase efficiencies, and drive scalability. However, as Deloitte notes...