
March Poll Results: What should we add to the mobile versions of Remote Desktop Manager?

Hi Mobile RDMers, Since officially releasing RDM for Android and iOS late last year, we’ve received a lot of positive feedback from IT pros who are using either or both clients to manage remote connec...

Devolutions Poll - Add In Mobile -

March Poll : What should we add to our mobile versions of Remote Desktop Manager?

Hey everyone, A few months ago, we launched the much-anticipated mobile versions of Remote Desktop Manager on iOS, Android and Amazon FireOS.  So far, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, an...

SaaS or Not to SaaS? Devolutions Poll

February Poll Results: To SaaS or Not to SaaS?

Hello everyone, In last month’s poll question, we asked whether you prefer a SaaS licensing model, or a perpetual licensing model in your work, and in your organization. We were blown away by the qual...


February Poll: To SaaS or not to SaaS, that is the question!

Hi everyone, This month, we decided we wanted to ask you a question that we’ve been asking ourselves for a while. And what a better way to get answers to our questions than by asking the Devolutions c...

January Poll Results: What's your favorite remore technology?

January Poll Results: What Remote Technologies Do You Use?

Hey everyone, Can you believe it’s already February!? The holidays are now far behind us, and it’s time to start dreaming about the return of warm, sunny weather. In the meantime, however, we’ll warm ...

What Remote technologies do you use?

January Poll: What Remote Technologies Do You Use?

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Can you believe it’s already 2016!? Last year flew by – and a big reason was because we were extremely busy here at Devolutions. For a recap of our major launches and happenings, pleas...

Poll Results: What’s On Your Remote Desktop Manager Wish List?

Hey everyone, To start with: HAPPY NEW YEAR!  On behalf of everyone here at Devolutions, I hope you have the best year ever, full of health, happiness and success! Next, if you haven’t done so already...

DECEMBER POLL: Santa Cloud is Coming to Town!

Hey everyone, You may be among the hundreds of millions of people who believe that Santa Claus doesn’t exist. Well, we have some good news and bad news about that. The bad news is that rumors of Santa...

iOS versus Android

November’s Poll Results: Are you STILL an iPhone iFan or Android Addict?

Hey everyone, November flew by, and that means it’s time to share the results of last month’s poll. As you may remember, last month we asked you to share if and why you’re STILL an iPhone iFan or an A...

iOS versus Android

November Poll : Are You an iPhone iFan or Android Addict?

Hey RDMers, Almost 2 years ago (wow, where has the time gone!?) we asked you to tell us if we should focus on developing RDM for iOS or RDM for Android. Plenty of votes came in, and the winner – by a ...

October’s Poll Results: What RDM Development Are You Most Excited About?

Hey RDMers, We hope you had a fun Halloween! As usual, we ate too much candy and junk over here. But it’s not our fault! The candy companies make everything soooooo gooooooood. We’re just victims here...

October Poll : What Remote Desktop Manager Development Are You Most Excited About?

Hey everyone, We’re on the cusp of one of favorite months here at Devolutions – not because we like the colder weather, but because we love Halloween! As usual, we’ll be eating way too much junk food....

September Poll Results: What’s Your Non-IT Dream Job?

Hey everyone, Wow -- where did September go!? Come to think of it, where did the first 9 months of 2015 go!? Well, we’re OK with the calendar, because Halloween is coming up and we LOVE getting dresse...

September Poll: What’s Your Non-IT Dream Job?

Ah, you can sense it in the air and feel it in your bones. No, we aren’t talking about the end of summer or the arrival of fall. We’re talking about BACK TO SCHOOL time! And that brings us to the Sept...

August’s Poll Results: Will You Update to Windows 10 – Why/Why Not?

Hey RDMers! School season is almost upon us – which for many parents is blissful, and for many kids is dreadful. Funny how that works, huh? It’s also time to share the results from our August poll! We...

August Poll: Will You Upgrade to Windows 10 – and Why or Why Not?

Hey everyone, It's poll time again and this month, we’d like to know if you have already, or plan to upgrade to Windows 10 – and why or why not? So for example, if you have or will upgrade to Windows ...

July’s Poll Results Are Here: What's your favorite summer drink?

Hey everyone, Well, if there was any lingering doubt that geeks like to enjoy an “adult beverage” now and then, the July poll put that permanently to rest -- because we received lots of great response...

JULY POLL QUESTION: What’s Your Favorite Summer Vacation Drink?

Hey everyone! SUMMER. IS. HERE! Honestly, this probably isn’t a big deal if you live in California or Indonesia, but up here we tend to treasure the heat and sunny days while we can. And there’s yet ...

May Poll: What’s Your WORST Hacking Tale?

Hey everyone, As you may recall, a few months ago we asked you to share your best (that is, worst) IT horror story. We had a BLAST reading all of your stories. Many of them were worthy of a Stephen Ki...

April’s Poll: What’s your Password Manager?

Hey everyone, April is here, and we couldn’t be more ready to wave goodbye to the cold and snow. Honestly, you’d think we’d be used it by now, huh? And we have another reason to feel happy…yes, you gu...