Top News


Top Reasons to Renew your RDM Maintenance Plan

Hey everyone, Is your Remote Desktop Manager maintenance plan about to expire? If so, then here are the top reasons why you should renew: 1. You can download ALL new versions We’re always releasing n...

Do you need Devolutions Server?

Hi all, We often have customers, coming in via various channels, that end up trying one of our products and deciding to purchase what they've tried. That makes us really happy, but during the purchasi...


Stories Behind Everyday Technology Terms

Hey everyone, Did you know that some of the tech terms that you probably use every day at work actually have other meanings? Courtesy of Mashable, here are a few interesting stories behind some of the...

April Poll: What are your favorite Remote Desktop Manager features?

Hello everyone,As you may be aware, the latest Remote Desktop Manager 9 includes many BRAND NEW features, including some early “fan favorites” like: ,My Personal Credentials ,The Play List ,Offline ...

March Poll Results : What’s Your Favourite Geeky TV Show?

Hey everyone, Here at Devolutions we really enjoy watching geeky TV shows, and last month we shared some of our favorites with you. Plus, we asked you to tell us what your favorites were, too. We real...

NEW Add-On: PenguiNet SSH Client

Hey everyone, Here at Devolutions, it’s like Christmas all over again because our amazing Add-on Manager André has given us yet another gift this month: the NEW PeguiNet SSH Client Add-on for Remote D...

Add-On for AT&T

AT&T Global Network Client Add-on

Hey everyone, Have you heard phrase “April showers bring May flowers?” Well, it’s not May yet (and it’s snowing outside instead of raining…a lot!), but it’s pouring RDM Add-Ons inside here at Devoluti...

Remote Desktop Manager – LastPass Integration

Hello everyone, LastPass has implemented subscription plans for personal as well as Enterprise users, and has added features to all of their plans. Being a credential management tool used by many use...

RDM 9.2 Update version

NEW: Remote Desktop Manager 9.2 is Here!

Hey everyone, Spring is finally here, and we thought we’d celebrate the return of the sun, warmth and “refreshments” on the patio by releasing the latest (and yes, the greatest) version of Remote Des...

Mmmmmm Chocolatey: New Remote Desktop Manager Package Ready to Download!

Hi everyone! You might already know of a pretty awesome tool called Chocolatey, which lets you quickly install Windows applications from the command line via a catalog of installation scripts. For in...

New ADD-ON: Axel Viewer

Hi everyone!We’re thrilled to announce a new Add-on to make your RDM experience even better: say hello to Axel Viewer! You’ll find it here With t...

Add-On DB Visualizer for Remote Desktop Manager

New Add-On : DbVisualizer

Hey everyone, Good news! We’ve just released a new DbVisualizer add-on for Remote Desktop Manager – you can download it here. With this add-on, you can start a DbVisualizer session with advanced setti...

March Poll: What’s Your Favourite Geeky TV Show?

Hey everyone, When we aren’t busy launching new products, creating add-ons, interacting with our amazing community of IT pros (like right now), having foosball tournaments, or trying to blow each oth...

February Poll Results: Are you iPhone or Android?

Hey everyone, Can you believe it? February is already over! Actually, we’re kind of happy about that, because February is a bit meh as far as months go. Plus, Spring is just around the corner. Oh, and...


Spiceworks is everything - Devolutions

Some Lesser-Known Ways to Improve your IT Skills

Hey everyone, As all of us know, technology advances at an incredible pace. And to be successful in the IT field, it’s essential to constantly upgrade your skills. But perhaps you don’t have the time ...

SYSADMINOTAUR #29: Promotion

Hyper-V Enhanced Session Mode Support - Remote Desktop Manager 9 New Feature

Hello Everyone, With the new release of Remote Desktop Manager 9.1, we are proud to announce that the Hyper-V enhanced session mode is now supported. Hyper-V enhanced session mode allows redirection ...

Devolutions Case study - The Answer

[Customer Story] The Answer Company Uses Remote Desktop Manager To Securely Manage And Store Their Several Passwords For Their Multiple Machines

The Answer Company can now easily manage nearly 100 connections, several protocols, passwords and connection details using Remote Desktop Manager. Remote Desktop Manager offers a comprehensive GUI and...

The Geek Olympics

Hey everyone, Unless you’re living on another planet, you know that the Sochi Olympics are happening now! And we don’t want to boast (because that’s not really the Canadian way), but Team Canada is do...