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Customer Story: HES-SO//Fribourg

This story outlines how the system administrators at the HES-SO//Fribourg were able to address their password and remote connection management requirements with Devolutions' solutions.

Sysadminotaur #132: Workation

RDP Management Showdown: MobaXterm vs. Devolutions RDM

In this round of our RDP Management Showdown series, we pit MobaXterm against Devolutions RDM to find out how these two solutions compare with each other.

New CVSS 4.0: Enhanced View & Security Practices

In this article, Mathieu Morrissette from the Devolutions Security Team discusses the improvements offered by CVSS v4.0, promising more accurate, granular, and flexible vulnerability assessments.

Devolutions Welcomes as a Technology Partner

We are delighted to announce that Devolutions has entered into a technology partnership

July Poll Question: Once Vital, Now Obsolete Tech?

This month, Devolutions wants to know: what technologies (devices, gadgets, systems, software, etc.) that you once “couldn’t live without” do you now find irrelevant, uninteresting, and obsolete?

June Poll Result: What Do You Automate + Want Automated at Work?

Last month, we polled the Devolutions community to find out what tasks they were already automating at work, and what tasks they would like to see automated in the future.

What's New in Devolutions Server 2023.2

Devolutions Server 2023.2 offers several improvements and additions across the core product, the PAM module, as well as tools and services.

What's New in Remote Desktop Manager 2023.2

Remote Desktop Manager v2023.2 features many enhancements. This article looks closer at some of the key additions/improvements.

A look at the New Integrated Features in the 2023.2 Release

In this blog we take a tour of the integrated features that are now available across the latest major release (version 2023.2) for RDM, Devolutions Server, and Devolutions Hub Business.

RDP Management Showdown: Rocket Remote Desktop vs. Devolutions RDM

In this article, we continue our RDP management series by comparing Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager to Rocket Remote Desktop.

Sysadminotaur #131: Social Media Policies

What's New in Devolutions Hub Business 2023.2

We’ve made some major additions and improvements in Devolutions Hub Business 2023.2. In this article, we look closer at these enhancements, plus we look at updates to companion tools.

7 Best Practices: Remote Desktop Management for Superior Support

In this blog article, Jeff, a member of Devolutions' Technical Support Team, shares his advice for delivering exceptional support.

RDP Management Showdown: Royal TS vs. Devolutions RDM

Looking for a remote connection management tool that fits your needs? This article compares and contrasts Royal TS and Devolutions RDM to assist you in making the right choice.

June Poll Question: Job Automation & Desired Automations?

This month, Devolutions wants to know: what parts of your jobs are automated, and what would you like to automate?

May Poll Results: What Are Your Biggest Concerns About AI?

Last month, we polled the Devolutions community to find out what their biggest concerns about AI are. In this article, we analyze the results and reveal the poll winners.

RDP Management Showdown: mRemoteNG vs. Devolutions RDM

If you're in the market for remote connection management software, the choice between mRemoteNG and Remote Desktop Manager (RDM) depends entirely on your needs.

SystoLOCK: A Real Passwordless MFA Platform for Windows Domains

Devolutions is excited to present a guest blog post from SystoLOCK expert Roman Kuznetsov.

Why We Recommend Devolutions Hub Personal Instead of Devolutions Online Drive as a Data Source in RDM

We take a look at two popular data source options in Remote Desktop Manager — Devolutions Online Drive and Devolutions Hub Personal — and share why we recommend the latter.