Laurence Cadieux

Laurence Cadieux

Hello! My name is Laurence Cadieux, and I’m a Communication Coordinnator here at Devolutions. My role includes overseeing the content strategy and development of our blog, managing the content and communication for our VIP advocate platform “Devolutions Force,” and working closely with our PR partners around the world. I also handle our off-site content opportunities (magazines, journals, newspapers, etc.). Academically, I have a bachelor’s degree in marketing. When I’m not working, I sing in a band, and I enjoy watching my favorite movies again and again. I also love cooking, and during the pandemic, I became a bread expert — I can now bake the most amazing key lime pie on earth (if I do say so myself!). Plus, I recently discovered LEGO and there is no turning back — I’m hooked! I’m always happy to help, and you can reach me directly at

Massive facebook data breach how to check devolutions blog

How to Check Whether You’re Part of the Massive Facebook Data Breach

Facebook’s motto is “move fast and break things.” And although “user trust” is certainly not on the list of breakables, that may be the case in the wake of a massive data breach at the social media gi...

March 2021 poll result remote working tech devolutions blog

March Poll Results: Which Remote Working Technologies Has Your Company Introduced in the Last Year?

We recently looked at several ways in which remote working is permanently changing the business landscape. Technology is a MAJOR part of this development — both in terms of getting rid of tools that a...

10 things that will never change devolutions blog

10 Things in Life That Will Never Change

In many ways, the pandemic has significantly — and in some cases profoundly — shifted our day-to-day lives. Amidst this whirlwind, it’s comforting to know that there are some things that will never ch...

Remote working is here to stay devolutions blog

How Remote Working Is Permanently Changing the Business Landscape

For more than a year now, people have been craving a “return to normal,” both professionally and personally. And while there is reason to be cautiously optimistic that things are stabilizing, some asp...

Password hub business faq devolutions blog

Password Hub Business Frequently Asked Questions

Password Hub Business is our secure and cloud-based password manager for teams. It empowers organizations to vault and manage business-user passwords and other sensitive information, through a user-fr...

Devolutions server faq blog

Devolutions Server Frequently Asked Questions

Please find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding Devolutions Server: QUESTION: What is Devolutions Server? ANSWER: Devolutions Server is our full-featured shared account an...

March 2021 poll question remote working technologies devolutions blog

March Poll Question: What Remote Working Technologies Has Your Company Introduced in the Last Year?

Before COVID-19, remote working was becoming more popular (despite some ill-advised and short-lived attempts by some companies to completely ban it). Now, though, remote working has become the norm. W...

Solarwinds solorigate lessons learned devolutions blog

SolarWinds & Solorigate: What Happened, Why it Matters & What Happens Next

There are so many data breaches these days, that they all seem to morph together into an endless cycle of cyber destruction. Indeed, we have gone from being shocked at stories about hacks (remember Ta...

Use case 5 blog devolutions server improve security when authenticating rdm users devolutions blog

[NEW] Use Case: How Organizations Can Use Devolutions Server to Improve Security When Authenticating Remote Desktop Manager Users

Remote Desktop Manager is a secure solution that authenticates each user. This prevents unauthorized logins, and it also enables comprehensive auditing. One of the methods that Remote Desktop Manager ...

Lastpass free changes devolutions blog hub rdm remote desktop manager

Big Changes Coming to LastPass Free + Invitation to Try Password Hub Personal with Remote Desktop Manager Free

Weak passwords continue to be the number one security risk, and that means using a good password management tool is essential — not optional. However, if you use LastPass Free, then you should be awar...

Gartner lists 10 cio resolutions for 2021 devolutions blog

Gartner Lists 10 CIO Resolutions for 2021

Research has found that most people have failed to achieve their New Year’s Resolutions by February 1st. But CIOs cannot afford to be among this group — because the fate of their company may be on the...

Use case 4 integrating remote desktop manager with password hub business rdm devolutions blog

[NEW] Use Case: How Organizations Can Benefit from Integrating Remote Desktop Manager with Password Hub Business

A growing number of organizations have remote workers who are working in different locations, and at different times. Also, some Managed Service Providers (MSPs) have workers who spend the majority of...

Use case 3 specific mfa tools remote desktop manager users rdm devolutions blog

[NEW] Use Case: How Organizations Can Increase Security by Enforcing Specific MFA Tools for Remote Desktop Manager Users

Two Factor Authentication (2FA) supports unambiguous identification of users through the combination of their assigned credentials (username/password combination) and another component. This could be:...

7 lessons learned from biggest data breaches 2020 devolutions blog

7 Lessons Learned from the Biggest Data Breaches of 2020

Recently, we looked at some of the biggest data breaches of 2020. Here is a recap of some of the most notable incidents: ,300,000 users were impacted by a mass account hijacking campaign at Nintendo...

Biggest data breaches 2020 devolutions blog

The Biggest Data Breaches of 2020

It goes without saying that the biggest story of 2020 — or make that the 21st century so far — was the coronavirus pandemic. However, while that crisis raged on, hackers did not go into “lockdown mode...

Organizations integrating remote desktop manager active directory rdm devolutions blog

[NEW] Use Case: How Organizations Can Benefit from Integrating Remote Desktop Manager with Active Directory

Remote Desktop Manager is a powerful yet easy-to-use solution that enables organizations to manage all of their remote connections and credentials on a centralized platform. However, if organizations ...

December poll results devolutions blog

December Poll Results: How Are You Planning to Spend Your Holidays this Year?

Normally, we would say something like “another holiday season has come and gone.” But as we all know, there was nothing normal about 2020. Frankly, most of us are happy to say goodbye to one of the mo...

Importance of using password manager devolutions blog

The Importance of Using a Password Manager

Recently, Devolutions surveyed decision-makers in SMBs worldwide on a variety of key cybersecurity practices and trends. Answers to each question are presented in this report and highlighted in this i...

How planning holidays vacation devolutions blog

December Poll Question: How are you planning to spend the holidays this year?

It is said that “hindsight is 20/20”. Well, I think that it’s fair to say that all of us can’t wait to see the year 2020 in the past — because it has been very tough for obvious reasons. We all need t...

Use case remote desktop manager and privileged access management solution devolutions blog

[NEW] Use Case: How Remote Desktop Manager Integrates & Improves an Existing Privileged Access Management Solution

A privileged access management (PAM) solution helps secure, control, manage, and monitor privileged access to critical assets. The goal is to provide IT teams with the right balance between keeping th...