
December Poll Results: How Are You Planning to Spend Your Holidays this Year?

Laurence Cadieux

Hello! My name is Laurence Cadieux, and I’m a Communication Coordinnator here at Devolutions. My role includes overseeing the content strategy and development of our blog, managing the content and communication for our VIP advocate platform “Devolutions Force,” and working closely with our PR partners around the world. I also handle our off-site content opportunities (magazines, journals, newspapers, etc.). Academically, I have a bachelor’s degree in marketing. When I’m not working, I sing in a band, and I enjoy watching my favorite movies again and again. I also love cooking, and during the pandemic, I became a bread expert — I can now bake the most amazing key lime pie on earth (if I do say so myself!). Plus, I recently discovered LEGO and there is no turning back — I’m hooked! I’m always happy to help, and you can reach me directly at lcadieux@devolutions.net.

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Normally, we would say something like “another holiday season has come and gone.” But as we all know, there was nothing normal about 2020. Frankly, most of us are happy to say goodbye to one of the most unpredictable and volatile years… well, ever.

But before we officially say farewell to 2020, we need to look at the results of our December poll question: How are you planning to spend your holidays this year?

Not surprisingly, most of you planned on having a quiet, relaxing holiday — maybe with a small number of family members and friends. The three most popular activities that you had on your to-do list included:

  • Playing video games (is your Cyberpunk 2077 disappointment still fresh?)
  • Watching holiday movies (were Die Hard and Home Alone part of the mix?)
  • Eating traditional holiday foods (followed, of course, by traditional holiday indigestion!)

Whatever you did (and whoever you did it with), we hope that you had a good and safe holiday. Yes, 2020 was a rough year. But who says that 2021 can’t be amazing? We certainly have a lot of positive stuff planned, and we’ll be sharing some news about this in the next few days.

The Winners Are…

And now,** let’s announce the two randomly selected participants who have each won a $25 Amazon gift card.** Congratulations to Amanda Whitley and IanPhillips - Technologist! Please email me to claim your prize.

Once again, thank you to everyone who participated in the poll. We will be launching the first poll of 2021 very soon!

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