Laurence Cadieux

Laurence Cadieux

Hello! My name is Laurence Cadieux, and I’m a Communication Coordinnator here at Devolutions. My role includes overseeing the content strategy and development of our blog, managing the content and communication for our VIP advocate platform “Devolutions Force,” and working closely with our PR partners around the world. I also handle our off-site content opportunities (magazines, journals, newspapers, etc.). Academically, I have a bachelor’s degree in marketing. When I’m not working, I sing in a band, and I enjoy watching my favorite movies again and again. I also love cooking, and during the pandemic, I became a bread expert — I can now bake the most amazing key lime pie on earth (if I do say so myself!). Plus, I recently discovered LEGO and there is no turning back — I’m hooked! I’m always happy to help, and you can reach me directly at

The Evolution of Phishing: Why It’s Getting Worse & How to Fight Back

Recently, my colleague Marc-Olivier looked at some interesting and exciting IT trends in 2021. Unfortunately, technology is not only evolving to make our lives better — cyberthreats are also advancing...

August Poll Results: What Tool(s) Do You Use in Your Organization to Manage Third-Party Access?

The growing reliance on third-party vendors has helped companies cost-effectively drive productivity, performance, collaboration, compliance, and scalability. That’s the good news. The bad news is tha...

A Closer Look at the Password Hub Personal Emergency Kit

Devolutions’ Password Hub Personal centralizes and secures all of your personal passwords and other sensitive data such as credit card numbers, home alarm system codes, etc. We also know that your tim...


[USE CASE] How Organizations Can Use Devolutions Web Login to Autofill Website Credentials

Research has found that the average business user must manually type out, or copy/paste, the credentials to 154 websites per month. There are multiple problems with this process, including: It is ted...


Jobs in These 5 Areas of the Economy Will Be the Most In-Demand After COVID

While the pandemic is not over, there are growing — and certainly inspiring — signs that things are slowly returning to normal. For example, children in some countries who have been learning at home f...


[In The News] Our VP of Business Solutions Maurice Côté Advises MSPs on How to Address Client Concerns About Third-Party Access in ChannelPro Network Article

A new feature article by our VP of Business Solutions, Maurice Côté, has been published by ChannelPro Network. In the feature article, Maurice provides practical advice to a growing number of Managed ...

August Poll Question: What Tool(s) Do You Use in Your Organization to Manage Third-Party Access?

Over the past few years, the use of third-party vendors has increased dramatically as organizations look for ways to cut costs, increase efficiencies, and drive scalability. However, as Deloitte notes...

[Customer Story] Discover How Wortell Is Using Remote Desktop Manager to Increase Efficiency, Visibility, Security & Governance

“We can trust and depend on Devolutions.”—Adrie Bergwerff, Process Controller, Change, Improve and Inform at Wortell Client Snapshot: Wortell Headquartered in the Netherlands, Wortell empowers people ...

What IT “Superpowers” Do You Wish You Had?

SysAdmin Appreciation Day is happening on July 30, 2021. This is an annual event when colleagues and customers take the opportunity to thank dedicated, competent, and hard-working SysAdmins (and other...

[Customer Story] Discover How Aptean Is Using Remote Desktop Manager to Streamline Administration, Strengthen Security, Increase Visibility & Enhance Efficiency

“All of our Consultants and Developers are now using Remote Desktop Manager, and they simply can’t work without it anymore.”—Ron van Elteren, Technical Consultant, Aptean Client Snapshot: Aptean Aptea...

[In The News] Our VP of Business Solutions Maurice Côté Lists 3 Tools to Improve Security Posture in The Record Article

A new feature article by our VP of Business Solutions, Maurice Côté, has been published by The Record. In the feature article, Maurice lists three tools that all organizations — including smaller busi...

Do You Have These 6 Essential Post-Pandemic Workplace Skills?

While the pandemic is not over — some health experts say that “herd immunity” may not be achieved until 2022 or beyond — there is growing (but cautious) optimism that the worst-of-the-worst is behind ...

Ransomware Rising: What’s Happening & How to Protect Your Organization

It is not malware. It is not spyware. It is not Trojans. It is not even DDoS. No, according to experts the title of the scariest beast on the cyberthreat landscape now belongs to ransomware. What is R...

7 Must-Read Cybersecurity Books in 2021

Benjamin Franklin once said: “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” On the other hand, author Anthony J. D'Angelo cautioned: “In your thirst for knowledge, be sure not to drown in...

20 Shocking Cybercrime Statistics: 2021 Edition

There are some horror movie franchises that get scarier and scarier with each release. Well, the cybercrime landscape is like that: just when you think that things are as frightening as they can get…t...

Supply Chain Attacks are On the Rise — Here’s How to Protect Your Organization

To say that the last 18 months have been unkind to many organizations is like saying that the sun is rather warm, or that the Himalayas are somewhat hilly. Frankly, the past year-and-a-half has been b...

4 Key Cloud Security Challenges in 2021 & How to Deal With Them

While drawing conclusions is difficult — and in many cases unwise — given how uncertain things have been over the last 18 months, one significant fact is indisputable: more organizations are rising to...

May Poll Results: What Channel-Based Messaging Platform(s) Do You Use + What Are Your Best Communication Tips?

Love them or hate them (or maybe a bit of both), the fact is that channel-based messaging platforms have become mainstream communication tools. And not just for remote workers, either. Employees who a...

5 Reasons Why Lord of the Rings is the BEST Movie Franchise of All Time

2021 marks the 20th anniversary of Peter Jackson’s The Fellowship of the Ring, which, as we all know, was followed by The Two Towers and The Return of the King. To commemorate Geek Pride Day this year...


[QUIZ] How Well Do You Know the Lord of the Rings Trilogy?

Geek Pride Day is here! To celebrate this special occasion, we have prepared a quiz about the Lord of the Rings (LOTR) trilogy. Why LOTR? There are two reasons. First, geeks love LOTR (almost as much ...