Customer Stories

[Customer Story] How Intelligent Technologies Improved Their Operational Efficiency with Devolutions Password Server and Remote Desktop Manager

Case Study Brent Quick Intelligent Technologies RDM
Joey Dupont

Greetings! My name is Joey Dupont, and I’m the Digital Marketing Specialist here at Devolutions. I have been here for several years, and am proud to be one of the most senior employees at this great company. I oversee many aspects of our digital marketing program, including email marketing, email automation, partnership relations, search engine marketing, and search engine optimization. I am also constantly learning new things about IT and online security. Academically, I have a bachelor’s degree in marketing. When I’m not working, I enjoy spending time with friends, playing video games, and playing music. I’m always happy to help, and you can contact me directly at

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“I live in RDM everyday, and without it I would not be able to do my job.” – Brent Quick, Networking and Infrastructure Consultant, Intelligent Technologies, Inc.

Client Snapshot: Intelligent Technologies, Inc.

Intelligent Technologies, Inc. is a leading provider of software and networking solutions for SMBs. Based in Greensboro, NC, the company commits itself to delivering the technology its clients need to run their businesses and the expertise to keep it all working smoothly.

Intelligent Technologies, Inc.’s Challenges:

The company manages close to 400 servers. About 80% of those belong to clients, the rest are internal. So having the right tools in place to help its staff work efficiently while ensuring customer satisfaction is key. Eventually, this became very difficult with the previous credential management tool, a CRM/ticketing system. It posed many challenges, including:

  • Lack of reliability: Depending on how someone last edited an entry, it was not always clear what information was current, or no longer accurate.
  • Lack of accessibility: The company’s old tool was on-premise and therefore not mobile-friendly. So the only way to access their data was on a connected PC, which was not always practical.
  • Lack of audit trail: There was no way to track when a user added, changed or deleted an entry.
  • Lack of control: It was difficult to keep privileged information secure, manageable, and organized in a single location.
Intelligent Technologies, Inc.’s Solution: Remote Desktop Manager + Devolutions Password Server

Brent Quick, the company’s Networking and Infrastructure Consultant, have been using Remote Desktop Manager for two years. When Brent’s colleagues and the Intelligent Technologies, Inc. owner saw how smoothly Remote Desktop Manager handled credentials, connections, entries and more, they agreed to try it along with Devolutions Password Server.

After exploring the features and functions and comparing it to their previous CRM/ticketing tool, the Intelligent Technologies’ team agreed that Remote Desktop Manager and Devolutions Password Server were the solutions they needed.

Intelligent Technologies, Inc. has been using Remote Desktop Manager and Devolutions Password Server for about two years and continues to enjoy many benefits including:
  • The flexibility to restrict access and use inherited permissions that allow for granular access when the default settings need overriding.
  • An automatic and comprehensive audit log of actions, with the ability to report on user actions and rollback changes in case of human error.
  • The option to augment RDM and DPS with a growing library of Add-Ons, extensions, and connection types.
  • The ability to access almost any system or type of remote management tool from any device, including smartphones.
  • A continual improvement in operational efficiencies, as more users rely on RDM as a single source for all information related to client connections.

Comments Brent Quick, Intelligent Technologies Inc.’s Networking and Infrastructure Consultant:

“I live in RDM everyday, and without it I would not be able to do my job. RDM was the replacement for another tool, so if RDM was not an option I would find something else and use it, but it would not be as good”.

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