Customer Stories

[Customer Story] UCS Technology Services Consolidates Their Remote Connection Management By Using Remote Desktop Manager

Devolutions Case Study - UCS
Anne-Marie Mongeon

As Devolutions’ marketing coordinator, I’m in charge of the company’s social media and advertising portfolios. I’m also responsible for establishing, maintaining and developing relationships within and beyond the Remote Desktop Manager community. I’m also in charge of the Devolutions blog, which means that I’ll be writing about various topics that, I hope, will be interesting and relevant to community members like you.

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“We particularly liked how Remote Desktop Manager offered consolidated, centrally-managed access control and connectivity in a simple to use package.”

Edward Hinchcliffe, Outsourced Services Manager

Client Snapshot

Headquartered in South Africa, UCS Technology Services provides comprehensive services, from high-level technical and business analysis, through installation and implementation of client solutions, to follow-up onsite support services. With a workforce of 480 employees, they primarily supply and host solutions for retailers of all sizes. Their solutions include in-store Point of Sale, Back Office and Central Merchandising systems that power their customers’ businesses.

Challenge: Maintaining constantly changing server and connection details

UCSTS’ IT pros were frustrated due to long lists of constantly changing -- and outdated -- server details that had to be maintained. They also had to deal with ongoing queries from support staff who struggled to log into external servers because of a changed IP address or password.

Solution: Centralize and manage access using Remote Desktop Manager

Remote Desktop Manager allowed UCSTS to centralize access to all internal and external servers, and manage that access in a secure way. RDM also provided immediate benefit to UCSTS’ support staff, as they no longer had to maintain connection details or remember external system passwords. Once configured, RDM simplified connectivity in a big way, allowing UCSTS’ support staff to concentrate on solving the problem without worrying about:

  • How to log on
  • where to find credentials
  • what the IP address is
  • what VPN to connect
  • what to do differently when performing support from another location
  • where to find additional information on a server
  • who to ask about alternative connections available
  • …and more.

Here is what UCSTS’ Outsourced Service Manager Edward Hinchcliffe says about the decision to choose Remote Desktop Manager:

"We were looking for a solution to consolidate Windows RD connections, and when we found Remote Desktop Manager, we saw that it could solve many of our issues – and not just for remote desktop management. We realised that the multi-connectivity management capability that RDM offered could address a much broader range of issues that we had lived with, without even being aware of it. RDM streamlined our connectivity processes. We particularly liked how RDM offered consolidated, centrally-managed access control and connectivity in a simple to use package. The features that we value the most are: the central database, because it allows us to consolidate server connectivity methods, credentials and general information about their connectivity environment; AD integration, because it allows us to retain control over who connects to what; and the broad range of client types that are supported, becauseit allows us to easily convince users to adopt the system, since their individual connectivity requirements are available to them."

Edward Hinchcliffe

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