Quick tips

Free vs Paid Password Manager Devolutions

Password Manager: Free vs. Paid

Just like Stanley from The Office, we agree that it would be lovely if every day was Pretzel Day. After all, who doesn’t love free stuff? However, in the real world we often need to pay for things — a...

Import Remote Desktop Manager Entries to Password Server

How to Export All Remote Desktop Manager Entries to Devolutions Password Server

I have a confession to make: prior to working at Devolutions, I wasn’t as cautious as I am today with password security. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not like I did unforgivable things like choose “123456...

Building Better Cyber Budget Liberty Center One

Five Steps to Building a Better Cyber Budget

There’s a pretty good chance your business’s cybersecurity budget needs some serious improvement. Don’t feel too bad – you aren’t alone in that. I’d honestly go so far as to say that the majority of b...

[NEW FEATURE] Office 365 Authentication with Devolutions Password Server

You know how, in every movie, there’s always THE star? In Iron Man, it’s Iron Man. In Thor, it’s Thor. And in Spiderman, it’s Spiderman…OK, maybe my examples here aren’t the most diverse, but you get ...

Software Engineers Should Now About GDPR

GDPR and Privacy by Design: What Should Software Engineers Know About GDPR?


[NEW FEATURE] Chat Now Available for Devolutions Password Server (DPS) & Wayk Now

Happy New Year everybody! I hope you all had amazing holidays, and that Santa (or whoever your gift source is) decided you were nice instead of naughty. My approach to getting back to work after takin...

IT Pros Users Dangers Online Shopping

IT Pros: It’s Time to Warn Your Users About the Dangers of Online Shopping

As an IT pro, you’ve probably spent many hours educating your users on cyber security best practices, such as always choosing strong and unique passwords, never sharing account credentials, saving pas...

Installing and Configuring Devolutions Launcher in Devolutions Password Server

Ever since my colleague Joey announced the Devolutions Launcher Beta release, there has been a lot of buzz about the official version. Well my friends, I’m happy to announce that Devolutions Launcher ...

Devolutions Password Server Licensing

There are some issues in life that require deep thought and much speculation, like why you always seem to choose the slowest line at the grocery store, and what if the hokey-pokey really IS what it’s ...

Remote Desktop Manager 14 Feature: Pwned Password Check

In the InfoSec world, a pwned password is a password that is part of a list of more than half a billion passwords (517,238,891 and counting, to be exact) that are known to have been exposed in data br...

How to set up dynamic port forwarding in Remote Desktop Manager

Learn how to configure dynamic port forwarding in Remote Desktop Manager to enhance your secure connections. Follow our detailed guide to set up SSH tunnels and manage remote access efficiently.

The Basics: How to Set Up a Security Provider

When we start something new, it’s always important to follow the right steps. I mean, have you ever tried assembling a wardrobe from IKEA without the instructions? It’s a recipe for disaster. Instead ...

VPN Configuration with Remote Desktop Manager

Configure your VPN in Remote Desktop Manager: step-by-step

Learn how to configure your VPN in Remote Desktop Manager for secure remote connections. Follow our detailed steps to enhance your network security and manage VPNs efficiently.

Should You Use a VPN?

Some questions in life are complex and difficult to answer, like trying to understand what The Force is all about. But some questions are easy and simple, like whether or not you should use a VPN. The...

Devolutions Password Server: Email Notifications

Monitoring privileged accounts to ensure proper usage is critical. But manually keeping an eye on everything can be difficult — and exhausting. Fear not my friends, because Devolutions Password Server...

8 Reasons Use Good Remote Desktop Management Software

8 Reasons to Use Good Remote Desktop Management Software

Working in IT is getting more and more complicated each day. Not only do IT professionals have to deal with new technologies, hackers, scams and non-compliant end users, but they are under relentless ...

The Basics: Remote Desktop Manager Play List

It’s time to get back to basics! After taking a look back at upgrading databases and how to manage credentials, I thought it was time to explore a Remote Desktop Manager feature that I personally real...

PowerShell Commands Every IT Pro Should Know

[MASTER LIST] Windows Keyboard Shortcuts & Windows/PowerShell Commands Every IT Pro Should Know

Last month, we asked the wonderful members of our community (that would be YOU) to share the essential Windows commands that every IT pro should know. While we were hoping for a good response, I must ...

5 Reasons Why Not Use RDM

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Use Remote Desktop Manager

Pfffftttt – who needs a password management solution? I mean, I can totally remember all my passwords and manage everything myself. And anyway, I will never, ever get hacked! So why use Remote Desktop...

Remote Desktop Manager 32-bit or 64-bit?

Some questions in life are hard to answer, like: would you rather step on a piece of Lego barefoot every day for a week or get a single paper cut between your toes? (Don’t worry, there’s a cure.) Or i...