
Mac VS Windows

Mac or PC: Which one do you use? October's Poll results

Hi everyone, Well, October is now over – which means Halloween has come and gone, too. We’re a bit sad about that, but since Christmas is coming pretty soon, we’ll cheer up soon enough. And besides, y...

MAC or PC: Which one do you use? October Poll!

Hello RDMers, Here we are in October. The leaves are falling, the days are getting shorter… Usually, I’d find this a bit on the depressing side, but not this year – because (as you’ve probably heard) ...

IT conferences: Which conference are you planning on attending this year or in 2014?: August Poll!!

Hello RDMers! August is here, and that means the days are becoming shorter, we’ll soon have to start thinking of Halloween costumes, and kids have to get ready for school (which is sad for them, but g...

What’s the tool, gadget or device you can’t live without during your summer vacation?: July Poll Results

Hello everyone, Can you believe that it’s already August? Summer goes by so fast -- but I’m sure you’ve been too excited to see the results of July’s poll to notice. Joking aside, as you may recall, l...

What’s the Tool, Gadget or Device You Can’t Live Without During your Summer Vacation?: July Poll

Hello RDMers! July has officially begun, of course that means it’s time for…let’s say it together…summer vacations! That’s right, it’s time to turn the monitor off for at least a couple of days, an...

Free and paid tools: Tell us which one you prefer! May Poll Results

Hi everyone, June is here, which means our May poll has officially closed! As you may recall, last month we invited you to share the top 3 FREE and the top 3 PAID tools that you couldn’t live without....

What Tools Do You Think EVERY IT Pro Should Use?: May Poll !

Hello RDMers! As an IT Pro, you surely have a set of tools that you just can’t imagine being without. These are the tools that make your life simpler, more productive, more enjoyable, and that integra...