Top News

Private Vault in Remote Desktop Manager: New Tips&Tricks

Hi Everyone, Did you heard about Remote Desktop Manager’s Private Vault ? The Private Vault is a user centric repository for entries of any type. It allows you to create entries that only you can ac...

SYSADMINOTAUR #26: Counterfeit

[Customer Story] IVU Traffic Technologies Chooses Remote Desktop Manager To Manage Over 400 Machines And Servers

“You’ll realize how useful Remote Desktop Manager is when you see how quickly you can login to a customer’s machine that you’ve never worked on before.” Client snapshot IVU Traffic Technologies AG (IV...

View deleted feature in Remote Desktop Manager 9 --- New Tips&Tricks!

Hi everyone, Did you know that in Remote Desktop Manager, there is a feature that allows you to restore deleted entries? When an entry is deleted, Remote Desktop Manager in fact performs what is cal...

Geek VS Nerd

Are You a Geek or a Nerd?

Hey everyone, Did you know there’s a BIG difference between Geeks and Nerds? Let’s start with Geeks. They’re often:  ,interested in science ,fond of new technologies and gadgets ,fans of any or all ...


Top 6 Tips for Anki Drive!

Hi everyone! Have you heard about this amazing new battle-racing-for-the-real-worldcar game called Anki Drive? We’ve been playing it since the beginning of the year (yes, we’re addicted!), and we’re ...

SYSADMINOTAUR #25: Shopping Cart

[Customer Story] Automatic Data Processing Centralizes And Stores All Of Their Customer Information With Remote Desktop Manager

“With Remote Desktop Manager, we've enabled our entire team to leverage all of the customer access information that everyone already has.” Client snapshot Headquartered in Roseland NJ, Automatic Data ...

Case Study - BCS

[Customer Story] How Remote Desktop Manager Helped BCS Group To Keep Track Of Their Servers And Efficiently Centralize Their Data

Headquartered in Auckland, New Zealand, BCS Group employs over 300 people. The firm is a recognized leader and expert in delivering end-to-end logistics hardware, automation controls, and elegant soft...

SYSADMINOTAUR #024: Brain Chips

RDM 9 is now available in Polish and Swedish! “Dobra Nowina”, “GODA NYHETER”!

Hello Everyone, As you may already know, a few months ago we developed a toolcalled Devolutions Localizer, which allows members of our amazing community to help us translate Remote Desktop Manager int...

Remote Desktop Manager Wish List - Christmas Vacations

Remote Desktop Manager Wish List: December’s Poll Results

Hey everyone, Can you believe it? The Holidays are already here, and the Devolutions team is so excited! It’s time for us to spend some special time with our family and friends, play in the snow, rel...


What IT pros really do during holidays!

RDP session using “View Only” mode

Hello everyone, Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is one of the most commonly uses technology in the world of remote control. Remote Desktop Manager integrates this technology perfectly and al...

NoMachine - New Remote Desktop Manager Add-On

NoMachine : New Add-On

Hi RDMers, As you already know, we’re always trying to improve your Remote Desktop Manager experience, and one of the ways we do that is by creating cool new add-ons. And today we’re thrilled to annou...

SYSADMINOTAUR #023: Childish

SYSADMINOTAUR #022: Support Ticket

Send us your Remote Desktop Manager Wish List! December’s Poll is out!

Hi everyone, At about this time last year, we asked you to put together your wish list for the Santa Claus of IT – who we’re affectionately calling “Santa Cloud.” And guess what? This year, jolly old ...

Remote Desktop Manager 9: Have you upgraded? November's Poll Results!

Hey everyone! November – a.k.a. “the most-boring-month-of the-year” -- is FINALLY over and we can now focus on what’s really important in life: the holiday season! Here at Devolutions, we’re all very ...

SYSADMINOTAUR #021: Error Reports