Greetings! My name is Joey Dupont, and I’m the Digital Marketing Specialist here at Devolutions. I have been here for several years, and am proud to be one of the most senior employees at this great company. I oversee many aspects of our digital marketing program, including email marketing, email automation, partnership relations, search engine marketing, and search engine optimization. I am also constantly learning new things about IT and online security. Academically, I have a bachelor’s degree in marketing. When I’m not working, I enjoy spending time with friends, playing video games, and playing music. I’m always happy to help, and you can contact me directly at jdupont@devolutions.net.
In our January poll, we asked you to tell us which technologies you think will transform the world in 2018. Some of your great predictions included cryptocurrency, 3D printing, artificial intelligence...
“Remote Desktop Manager’s single pane to connect to almost anything over IP – without bouncing around – has saved me countless hours.” Client Snapshot: U&S Services, Inc. U&S Services is a le...
We all know that today’s hackers are nothing like the “script kiddies” of years past. Back in the old days, hackers were usually interested in wreaking havoc, destroying machines, and getting on the n...
Last month, we asked whether you’re Windows or Mac — and why. While we hoped for some great responses, we were amazed by how many people participated. Thank you to everyone for sharing your opinions a...
As you know, security is a top priority these days — especially as data breaches become more common, complex and costly. And if you’re a sysadmin or you work anywhere in or around SecOps or InfoSec, y...
History is full of big battles. For example: the first battle between Jedi and Sith happened in 6900 BBY (before the Battle of Yavin). Star Wars Break Now, I know that you’re here to learn about the ...
“I am proud to say that RDM is the only tool that we now use to centralize RDP, SSH and VNC”. - Germano Saffier, IT Architect Germano da Cunha Diogo Saffier is an experienced IT Architect who we are ...
While data breaches have dominated the InfoSec headlines (and increasingly the mainstream ones, too) for several years, they aren’t a new phenomenon. In fact, one of the first recorded hacks took plac...
As you hopefully know, here at Devolutions we think we have the SMARTEST community of IT pros in the world (make that the galaxy). But every now and then, we like to throw out a quiz to test this imme...
The time was September, 2014. Scotland narrowly voted to stay in the U.K. Guardians of the Galaxy was the number one box office hit. And the Devolutions Crew was busy asking the wonderful members of o...
“Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager helps me and my company to carry out our work effectively and save valuable work time. Also because of its numerous and useful features I’m a big RDM fan and this i...
You may recall that about a year ago, I bragged about the awesome collection of pinball machines here at Devolutions HQ. Well guess what? We’ve almost doubled the level of awesome by going from 7 to 1...
THIS ARTICLE WAS WRITTEN BY THE TECH TARGET TEAM IN PARTNERSHIP WITH DEVOLUTIONS. How remote desktop management can help sysadmins do their jobs more easily System administrators are ready for a revol...
Remember when the “next big thing” was HDTV? Well, these days HDTV is standard, and what everyone’s looking forward to is when (not if) Virtual Reality takes over and thrusts us into the action. I mea...
“Remote Desktop Manager is an all-in-one tool and not just an RDP tool. It makes our work more efficient and easier.” - Paul Vilcu, System Administrator, Visma IT&C Client Snapshot: Visma IT&...