April’s Poll: What’s your Password Manager?
Hey everyone, April is here, and we couldn’t be more ready to wave goodbye to the cold and snow. Honestly, you’d think we’d be used it by now, huh? And we have another reason to feel happy…yes, you gu...
Hey everyone, April is here, and we couldn’t be more ready to wave goodbye to the cold and snow. Honestly, you’d think we’d be used it by now, huh? And we have another reason to feel happy…yes, you gu...
Hey everyone! It’s poll time again – but this time things are a bit different, because we need your help. Here’s the story: We’re currently putting together a Whitepaper that, once completed, will hel...
Hey everyone, March is here and the great thaw is occurring day…by…day. We can sense that somewhere beneath the ice and snow there is all kinds of wild, colorful life just waiting to burst forth. At l...
Hey everyone, January is over and we can almost see spring hiding around the corner. And it can’t get here soon enough, because it’s been sooooooo cold and snowy up here in Canada. But we’ll warm our ...
Hey everyone, Can you believe that the first month of 2015 is already over? Time goes by so fast, and Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Speaking of which, hey guys, here’s a tip: if she says ...
Happy New Year Devolutions’ Community! Ah, here we are again at the start of a brand new year, which of course means: it’s New Year’s Resolution time! In 2015, what are you pledging to accomplish? D...
As you may recall, last month we asked you to share your “wish list” of what you’d like to see in Remote Desktop Manager in 2015, such as new features, functionality, integration, add-ons…there’s no l...
Hey RDMers, We can’t believe it! It’s December already and we’re really excited about it because our old friend Santa Cloud is back. And no, that’s not a typo. Santa Cloud is in charge of handing out ...
Hey everyone, November is FINALLY over, and while the colder weather and shorter days would normally be getting us down, we have something to lift our spirits: November’s poll results! As you may reca...
Hey everyone, If you work in IT, chances are you have your very own IT horror story. Or wait – who are we kidding? You probably have several of them. Maybe you even have enough for a memoir. You can c...
Hey everyone, Last month we asked you to share the top 3 reasons to become a Sysadmin. You can check out the poll results here. Well, the response was so great, that we decided to have even more fun b...
Hey everyone, As you may recall, last month we asked you to tell us the main reasons to become a Sysadmin. Well, the response was so great and we had so much fun, that we decided to continue along the...
Hey RDMers, It’s already October! Autumn leaves are starting to fall, the weather is getting colder, and while we could complain about that – we’re in too good of a mood, because September’s poll resu...
Hey RDMers, September is here, and we’ll soon have to start thinking of Halloween costumes. And of course, kids will be going back to school soon (which sucks for them, but is kind of good for us!). A...
Hey everyone, Where did July go? Last winter, it seemed an eternity away, and here we are and it’s already August. Before we know it, we’ll be shovelling our driveways and scraping ice from our cars… ...
Noooooooooooooo!!!!!! Our favorite month of the year is already over! Well, at least we still have August and maybe some of September (if we’re lucky) to enjoy the hot weather. And of course, we can c...
Hello RDMers! July has begun, and that means two wonderful things: ,It’s finally time for summer vacation -- not that we don’t love working here, but it’s important to turn the monitor for a few day...
Hey everyone, June is already over, but the sun is shining brightly and it’s getting hotter here by the day – whoo hoo! And you know what else there is to get excited about? Yup, you guessed it…let’s ...
Hello everyone, If you’re familiar with RDP you are already well aware that back in 2012, Microsoft with Remote Desktop Protocol 8.0, improved the compression algorithms, codecs and network protocols ...
Hey everyone, June is finally here, which means that it’s FINALLY time for summer vacations, pool parties and BBQs on the patio. And of course, it also means that our May poll has wrapped up and it’s ...