
February Poll Results: What have you Automated Using our Macros/Scripts/Tools?

Anne-Marie Mongeon

As Devolutions’ marketing coordinator, I’m in charge of the company’s social media and advertising portfolios. I’m also responsible for establishing, maintaining and developing relationships within and beyond the Remote Desktop Manager community. I’m also in charge of the Devolutions blog, which means that I’ll be writing about various topics that, I hope, will be interesting and relevant to community members like you.

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Hey everyone,

March is here and the great thaw is occurring day…by…day. We can sense that somewhere beneath the ice and snow there is all kinds of wild, colorful life just waiting to burst forth. At least that’s what we keep telling ourselves to help us get through this deep freeze.

And we have another reason to feel happy: February’s poll results are in!

As you may recall, last month we asked you to tell us **what you’ve automated using our macros, scripts and tools? **The response was GREAT. We heard from members of our community on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and the blog. Thank you everyone who participated.

**And the Winners are… **

Once again, we’re thrilled to give away two $25 Thinkgeek.com gift certificates to randomly selected poll participants. The winner’s for February are….drum roll please… Cary and “guest”! Here’s what they shared:

From Cary: “I have systems with multiple logins enabled (I have to enter a UN/PW and then a master PW) to gain access. As RDM is not capable of this, I built a macro to perform this function. Very handy when I have many units needing to be logged in to in this fashion. Love me some RDM!!!”

From “guest” (via our blog) “I use PowerShell/PowerCLI to automate multiple tasks in my VMware Environment. Anything from dismounting an attached CD/ISO to shutting down all the VMs on a host and then powering down the host itself when maintenance on the Air Conditioner/power is being performed. :)”

And once again, thank you to everyone who participated. Stay tuned for the March poll!


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