Every profession has its essential set of tools, and for people who work on IT helpdesks, there is nothing more vital than the ticketing solution. As the old saying goes: “If it’s not in the ticket, t...
We recently looked at several ways in which remote working is permanently changing the business landscape. Technology is a MAJOR part of this development — both in terms of getting rid of tools that a...
Before COVID-19, remote working was becoming more popular (despite some ill-advised and short-lived attempts by some companies to completely ban it). Now, though, remote working has become the norm. W...
We are nearly one-sixth of the way into 2021. The more dominating timeline, however, is measured by the pandemic. In this part of the world, it was about this time last year that EVERYTHING CHANGED. I...
In the past, many of us looked forward to packing our bags and heading off to various conferences, where we connected with peers, learned about new trends, and got lots (and lots) of swag. Well, thing...
To say that 2020 was merely “unusual” is like saying the Grand Canyon is a “little hole in the ground,” or that the Himalayas are “some pretty tall hills.” In so many ways, 2020 was unlike anything we...
IT. IS. OVER. Of course, we’re talking about the annus horribilis known as 2020. Let’s see, we had: ,So many hurricanes and tropical storms that the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administra...
Normally, we would say something like “another holiday season has come and gone.” But as we all know, there was nothing normal about 2020. Frankly, most of us are happy to say goodbye to one of the mo...
It is said that “hindsight is 20/20”. Well, I think that it’s fair to say that all of us can’t wait to see the year 2020 in the past — because it has been very tough for obvious reasons. We all need t...
The MSP industry is growing rapidly, and is expected to be worth $282 billion by 2023 — up from $193 billion in 2019. Last month we asked you to share your experiences either as an MSP serving clients...
This month, we are turning our attention to an essential member of the IT and business landscape: Managed Service Providers (MPSs). And when we say “essential,” we don’t just mean for large organizati...
As you may recall, last month we asked you to consider which protocols are essential for today’s IT pros. If you haven’t had the chance to see the results yet, you’ll find them here. This month, we’re...
As we all know, life has been pretty stressful for the last few months. And while there is cautious optimism that the worst is behind us, there is still plenty of road ahead — though hopefully it will...
As you may have heard, Microsoft has decided to move all of its conferences online until July 2021, including Microsoft Ignite. Microsoft certainly isn’t the only company making this shift. Other tech...
We’re all working remotely these days — some of us because we want to, and some of us because we have to. And this new reality inspired our April poll question: What are your best remote working hacks...
December is here, which means that in a little while we’ll be spending time with family and friends, eating and drinking great stuff (and then wishing we didn’t eat and drink so much!), and of course,...
Do you know that great Green Day song “Wake Me Up When September Ends”? Well, September can be rough, but many IT pros would prefer to sleep through October, because this can be a pretty stressful mon...
The famous 19th century poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once said: “Look not mournfully into the past, it comes not back again. Wisely improve the present, it is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy fu...
Over the years, the term “geek” has totally changed its image. Once upon a time, it was a massive insult to be branded a geek. Basically, it was like being called a nerd but without the high IQ. But t...
April is a month made to have fun. It starts with a day full of pranks and laughter. It’s spring and the snow from a harsh winter is finally melting. And then there are all of those chocolate bunnies....