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Sysadminotaur 095 the remote workers devolutions blog

Sysadminotaur #95: The Remote Worker's Excuses Equivalency Chart

How to configure vpn multiple sessions rdm devolution blog remote desktop manager

How to Automatically Configure a VPN for Multiple Sessions in Remote Desktop Manager

Remote Desktop Manager is like having your very own personal concierge. In addition to managing and securing all of your remote connections, you can automatically configure a VPN for multiple sessions...

Best gaming console why devolutions blog

June Poll Question: What’s the Best Gaming Console and Why?

As we all know, life has been pretty stressful for the last few months. And while there is cautious optimism that the worst is behind us, there is still plenty of road ahead — though hopefully it will...

Tips attending virtual conference devolutions blog

Tips for Attending a Virtual Conference

Even if you haven’t attended a virtual conference in the past, there’s a good chance you’ll be attending one in the near future. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, a number of high-profile events have m...

Privileged account abuse signs to watch for devolutions blog

Privileged Account Abuse: Who’s Doing It, Signs to Watch For & How to Reduce the Risk

Users with privileged account access are given “the keys to the kingdom” — or at least the keys to valuable floors and rooms in the kingdom — so they can be more productive and efficient while carryin...

Tips for hosting a virtual conference devolutions blog

Tips for Hosting a Virtual Conference

In a recent article, I looked at the pros and cons of virtual conferences. Around the same time, Microsoft announced that all of their events will become virtual events until June 2021. This is the da...

Do we have infrastructure support intelligent machines devolutions blog

Do We Have the Infrastructure to Support Intelligent Machines?

Why the Rise of the Machines Is Still a Little Way Off Whether or not we’re sowing the seeds of our own destruction by embracing artificial intelligence is the topic of intense debate. There’s no ques...

Hackers targeting smbs how to fight back devolutions blog

[COVID-19] Hackers Are Targeting SMBs During the Pandemic & How to Fight Back

Before the world became gripped by the coronavirus pandemic, SMBs were already viewed as “ground zero” for cybercrime. Here are some alarming numbers: ,Two-thirds of SMBs have suffered a cyberattack...

Virtual vs in-person conferences devolutions blog

Virtual Conferences vs. In-Person Conferences

What do Facebook F8, Microsoft Ignite, Mobile World Congress, Google I/O, SXSW, Cisco Live Melbourne, and F5 Agility 2020 all have in common? These conferences are among the thousands of events worldw...

Most popular password managers compared devolutions blog

[UPDATE] 2020 Most Popular Password Managers Compared

Updated April 2, 2020 In recognition of World Password Day which falls on the first Thursday in May, we have updated our comparison of the most popular password managers by adding Devolutions Password...


May Poll Question: What’s Your Opinion of Online Conferences?

As you may have heard, Microsoft has decided to move all of its conferences online until July 2021, including Microsoft Ignite. Microsoft certainly isn’t the only company making this shift. Other tech...


April Poll Results: What Are Your Best Remote Working Hacks?

We’re all working remotely these days — some of us because we want to, and some of us because we have to. And this new reality inspired our April poll question: What are your best remote working hacks...

Sysadminotaur 094 special request devolutions blog

Sysadminotaur #94: Special Request

Best free online learning platforms devolutions blog

[COVID-19] Best Free Online Learning Platforms

What do Shakespeare, Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, and Edvard Munch all have in common? No, it’s not that they have inspired countless memes. It’s that they produced some of their best work while in quar...

5 ways conavirus pandemic change the work devolutions blog

[COVID-19] 5 Ways the Coronavirus Pandemic Is Going to Permanently Change the Work Landscape

Sooner or later (and hopefully it’s the former), the worst public health crisis that most of us have ever experienced will come to an end. But this doesn’t mean things will go back to the way they wer...

10 tips to speed up your vpn devolutions blog

[COVID-19] 10 Tips to Speed Up Your Home Virtual Private Network

The surge in employees working from home during the coronavirus pandemic has triggered a massive demand for Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology. For example, reports show that global use of some ...

What are the benefits of cloud visibility devolutions blog

What Are the Benefits and Challenges of Improving Cloud Visibility?

The cloud is nothing new in the world of technology and it has already become mainstream. Organizations of all sizes store their data in the cloud and use various cloud-based solutions for different p...

Best password practices devolutions blog

[UPDATE] 10 Password Management Best Practices

Technology isn’t the only thing that needs an update every once in a while. Password management best practices do as well, since the information security landscape — and unfortunately, the tactics and...

Devolutions password server blog

[NEW FEATURE] Devolutions Password Server 2020.1: Recording Server

I have some great news for all the Devolutions Password Server users around the world. Per our 2020 Roadmap and our focus on evolving Devolutions Password Server as a powerful Privileged Access Manage...

7 must play devolutions boardgames for workplace blog

7 Must-Have Board Games for the Workplace

As some of you may know, I’m a true board game geek. But I’m not the only one. Here at Devolutions, there are many of us who get together during breaks, at lunch, and after hours to play various board...