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Sysadminotaur #84: Job Titles

Best Practices for Avoiding Data Breaches and Data Hacks

Recently, we looked at the differences between data breaches and data hacks. We also highlighted some similarities between them, most notably that in the aftermath of a security incident (accidental o...


Strong Passwords Are Essential — But Not Enough

An estimated 81% of hacking-related data breaches are due to weak passwords, which have one or more of these characteristics: ,Composed only of numbers ,Composed only of letters ,Too short ,Uses a p...

Data Breach vs. Data Hack

Some things in life have meaningful similarities, but they are not the same — to my fellow GOT fans out there, do you really know the difference between a white walker and a wight? Or the difference b...


[UPDATE] Devolutions’ PAM Platform for SMBs

As you may have discovered, current Privileged Access Management (PAM) solutions in the marketplace are typically quite expensive, and therefore unaffordable for most small and midsize businesses (SMB...


Best Practices for Optimizing Cloud Security

Companies are migrating business functions to the cloud with increasing regularity. This means the security of consumer and operational data is paramount. Business leaders and IT professionals have a ...

[NEW FEATURE] Session Recording in Remote Desktop Manager

You know that feeling when you really want something, but you have to wait, and wait, and wait some more? That drives me crazy! Ask anyone who knows me, and they’ll tell you that patience is NOT one o...

Poll May Definition True Geek

May Poll: What Is the Definition of a True Geek?

Over the years, the term “geek” has totally changed its image. Once upon a time, it was a massive insult to be branded a geek. Basically, it was like being called a nerd but without the high IQ. But t...


Sysadminotaur #83: Update


Remote Desktop Manager Free 2019.1 is Here!

As you hopefully know, one of the guiding principles here at Devolutions is to help as many IT pros around the world control IT chaos. That’s why we are proud to continue improving Remote Desktop Mana...


[Quiz] How Well Do You Know the Star Wars Movies?

By now, you probably know that I’m huge a Star Wars fan. Need proof? A couple of years ago I created a quiz about the Star Wars’ universe. I also co-manage the Devolutions Force, which is our Star War...


The Scary List of the Worst Passwords

We have some good news, and some bad news. Let's start with the good news. The good news is that Star Wars Episode 9 will be released later on this year, and it looks like Emperor Palpatine will be ba...


A History of Major Computer Viruses from the 1970s to the Present

A couple of years ago, I wrote about the history of programming. It was fascinating to see how far things have come since Charles Babbage conceived the very first analytical engine back in 1837. Now, ...

[THE BASICS] Caching in Remote Desktop Manager

Cash: now that’s a word we all know, and of course we all wish we had more of it (speaking of which, joining the Devolutions Affiliates Program is a fun and easy way to get some extra cash!). But toda...


IT Pros: Protect Your End Users from These 7 Notorious Online Scams

As an IT pro, you’re probably very capable of steering clear of online scams. However, your non-technical end users may not be so fortunate. And if they get hacked on their personal device, there is a...

[FEATURE SPOTLIGHT] Using Smart Folders in Remote Desktop Manager

These days, everything is becoming smart. There are smartphones, smartwatches, smartglasses, smart fridges…even our cars are becoming smarter. Well we didn’t want Remote Desktop Manager to feel left o...


The Ins And Outs Of File-Centric Security

In today’s enterprise, securing your organization’s perimeter isn’t enough. You need to think beyond your business’s walls by considering how remote workers, partners, and suppliers are accessing your...


7 Cybersecurity Trends We're Likely to See in 2019

Check the calendar, open the nearest window: spring is in the air. That means, alongside your traditional spring clean, it’s time once again to clear out your cyber clutter. Don’t miss this fresh oppo...

Sysadminotaur #82: Vulnerabilities

Poll April Favorite Easter Egg

April Poll: What Is Your Favorite Easter Egg ?

April is a month made to have fun. It starts with a day full of pranks and laughter. It’s spring and the snow from a harsh winter is finally melting. And then there are all of those chocolate bunnies....