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What's the Role of HR in Cybersecurity and Why Is It Important?

You may think that cybersecurity is something big companies have to invest in. While that’s partly true, you may also have to think about cybersecurity. Ransomware like Petya can cost a company tens o...


From Remote Desktop Manager User to Devolutions Community Influencer

Whether you spend a lot of time In the Trenches or not, you’ve probably spotted one of our favorite power users, “Min Destens”, in the comment section. And if you’ve been to the Devolutions forum, you...


Sysadminotaur #86: July 26

Remote Desktop Manager Export Feature

Life can be unpredictable, so it’s nice to know that there are some things you can count on. For example, the sun will rise tomorrow. The earth will spin on its axis. And whenever our amazing communit...


Will You Triumph in Our Game of Thrones Quiz?

As Queen Cersei declared, “When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.” Well, the stakes aren’t THAT high in our Game of Thrones quiz – your life isn’t on the line here – but your ability t...

ode to sysadmin day

Ode to Sysadmins: 7 Things I’ve Learned

I have a confession to make: before starting here at Devolutions, I wasn’t an IT pro. Yes, I had some computer knowledge, but in the last 2.5 years I have learned so much from my colleagues, and from ...

Remote Desktop Manager Jump Now Available for Mac

As you may know, I’m a Mac fan, and I have some great — no, make that amazing — news for all of my fellow Mac users: Remote Desktop Manager Jump for Mac is now available! I’m sure this will make you J...

robust security on cloud

Robust IT Security Comes to the Cloud

For several years, the business argument to elevate platforms, apps and data to the public cloud has been characterized by the “Yes, it’s a great idea, but what about security?” narrative. Let’s start...

Exploring PAM SMBs Russell Smith petri

Exploring PAM for SMBs

In this whitepaper, Devolutions explores the unique problems facing SMBs in securing privileged access. IT professionals connect to remote systems to perform management tasks and often require adminis...

[FEATURE SPOTLIGHT] Sorting Folders in Remote Desktop Manager

Do you know how TV ratings work? Companies like Neilson create a sample audience, identify who watches what, and then use the data to estimate total viewership. Well, here at Devolutions we have a sim...

sysadminotaur 85

Sysadminotaur #85: Problem Solving

How to Configure Syslog Server in Devolutions Password Server

We all know that when it comes to logs, it’s important to keep track of every little thing – like error messages, warnings, and so on. But that raises the question: where are you supposed to store all...

June Poll Results: What Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self?

The famous 19th century poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once said: “Look not mournfully into the past, it comes not back again. Wisely improve the present, it is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy fu...

Debunking 6 Myths About Privileged Access Management

Some myths in life are harmless, or even charming and helpful — like Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy (sorry if we’re shattering anyone’s fantasies with this revelation). But some myths in life are dan...

[NEW FEATURE] Live Thumbnail

If you monitor several Microsoft Windows Servers and workstations via Remote Desktop Manager, then you know that switching between consoles is time-consuming and tedious. Well my dear friends, I have ...


The Threat Stalkerware Poses to Your Business

Learn how installing spyware presents a massive security risk that extends far beyond a privacy nightmare – and how to protect yourself and your business. A jealous spouse reads his wife’s text messag...


Big Challenges Facing CIOs and IT Leaders in 2019

Over the past 3 decades, we’ve watched information technology radically transform the workplace. It has changed how we view business processes and given us an appreciation of the far-reaching efficien...

SQL Server with Integrated Security – That's So 2015...

During the early stages of Remote Desktop Manager’s development, focus was set on click-next-to-continue deployment and ease of use. We can all agree that the IT field has changed drastically these pa...

[IMPROVED FEATURE] Remote Desktop Manager Add-on Manager

You know the old saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”? Well, here at Devolutions we disagree with that advice. Even if a feature works the way it’s supposed to, we know there’s always room for im...


Sysadminotaur #84: Job Titles