Greetings! My name is Joey Dupont, and I’m the Digital Marketing Specialist here at Devolutions. I have been here for several years, and am proud to be one of the most senior employees at this great company. I oversee many aspects of our digital marketing program, including email marketing, email automation, partnership relations, search engine marketing, and search engine optimization. I am also constantly learning new things about IT and online security. Academically, I have a bachelor’s degree in marketing. When I’m not working, I enjoy spending time with friends, playing video games, and playing music. I’m always happy to help, and you can contact me directly at jdupont@devolutions.net.
“Remote Desktop Manager is my favorite tool and I cannot imagine working without it.” – Anjani Kumar, VMware’s Cloud Implementation and Deployment Engineering Consultant Client Snapshot: VMware VMwar...
The beginning of April may be dominated by April Fool’s jokes, but for the poll this month we’re taking a more serious turn, because the topic is network security. Specifically, we’d like to know: wha...
You may recall that in November, we posted a large list of must-have IT tools. The list was curated using submissions we received to one of our most popular polls ever, in which we asked you to share ...
Are you a student of history? If so, then you may know when the Magna Carta was signed, or who fought at the Battle of Waterloo. But how sharp are your mind and memory when it comes to the history of ...
Last month, we asked you to share your personal list of the 3 best IT apps on Google Play and in the App Store. As we had hoped, the response was great. Also as we had hoped, while many of you kindly ...
“Extensive built-in security that supports easy-to-implement best practices is why I believe RDM is the best solution for organizational use.” Some of you may recognize Thomas as one of the more activ...
We’ve launched many updates recently, but that doesn’t mean that our Add-on team has been taking a break. Need proof? No problem: say hello to the newest member of the RDM add-on family, Sophos VPN! ...
Devolutions has grown exponentially since the release of Remote Desktop Manager 1.0. A lot has changed over the years, from moving into larger (and larger) locations to exponentially increasing our ro...
Discover the hottest hobbies for geeks, from retro gaming to home brewing. Explore activities that tech enthusiasts love and find your next favorite pastime.
Happy New Year RDMers! As you all work at getting back in the groove – hoping, as you do every year, you’ll never hear another mall Christmas song again – we thought we’d give you a boost with a fun p...
At Devolutions, our never-ending goal is to help IT pros control the office chaos. But we also know that RDM isn’t the only solution in your toolkit. There are many other top notch products out there ...
As you know, Remote Desktop Manager features built-in support for Intel Active Management Technology (AMT), which is a hardware and firmware technology for remote out-of-band PC management. For exampl...
We’re thrilled to announce that after several months of hard work, the latest and greatest version of Remote Desktop Manager has been launched: say hello to version 12! What’s New? The Devolutions te...
Client Snapshot Founded in 2008, ISM Group delivers a full range of comprehensive IT consulting and implementation solutions, including structured hardware services, IT infrastructure monitoring, and ...