Fun & Lifestyle

How to Celebrate Valentine’s Day: GEEK EDITION

Devolutions' geeks have some unique ideas for celebrating the sweetest day of the year! In this article, we've collected their geekiest tips, tricks, and traditions for showing love in a special way.

Coralie Lemasson

Meet Coralie, the Product Marketing Writer and Editor at Devolutions who brings literary insight to every piece of content she creates. Her formal training in English education has paved the way for a career centered on her love for language and writing. Outside the office, Coralie enjoys the finer things in life — lattes, wine, and interior design — and the nerdier things, like Star Trek, board games, and deep theological discussions. She shares her life with her curious equine companion, Arrakis, who’s as introverted, clumsy, and food-motivated as she is. Arrakis reminds her daily that while words and semantics are vital, true communication transcends the spoken and written word. Interactions based in honesty and goodwill can bridge the widest gaps — whether between humans, or species.

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OK, I’ll just admit it right from the beginning: I am not a big fan of Valentine’s Day as it is conventionally celebrated.

This isn’t because I dislike the romantic. I even enjoy (every now and then and in carefully measured doses) the sentimental.

But Valentine’s Day is just so… predictable. You know what I mean. Roses. Heart-shaped boxes of chocolate. Cards. Teddy bears. It’s like a scientific formula.

Where’s the originality? Where’s the authenticity? Where’s the passion? WHERE’S THE GEEKISM?

Well, to answer this last and most pivotal question, I journeyed through Middle Devolutions (alas, we don’t have a Shire, but we DO have a pinball empire) and asked the natives here for their GEEKYIST ideas to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

Here are some of the best suggestions:

  • Re-watch The Lord of the Rings trilogy, order pizza, and have a picnic in the living room! (This was Laurence’s idea. She’s a true geek!).
  • Hold a Harry Potter marathon with a sorcery-themed supper, including love potions from the Gastronogeek and chocolate frogs.
  • Have a Shrek movie marathon and piggies-in-a-blanket.
  • Offer your beloved a Lego flower bouquet. At first, I thought this was a joke, but then I discovered it’s really a thing!
  • Play a videogame with your beloved where you can cooperate (otherwise when one of you wins and screams “BOOYAH! IN YOUR FACE!” it might spoil the mood a little).
  • Buy NASDAQ:LOVE shares for $100 in the morning, then sell them at the end of the day. The wins/losses will determine the activity of the evening (I can’t stop laughing at this — it’s like the Valentine’s Cherub meets Wall Street Bets).
  • Play an amazing boardgame with your special someone. By the way: I highly recommend my current favorite: Scythe. For even more geeky romance, you can listen to a curated playlist designed for the game on YouTube.

All of the above suggestions are great and certainly 100% Grade-A Geek Certified. However, this next suggestion might be my very favorite:

  • For just one night, avoid computers, phones, and gadgets, and just spend some quality and uninterrupted time with your beloved (or just some good friends!).

Do you have any Valentine’s Day plans this year, or perhaps you have an annual Valentine’s Day tradition with your significant other/spouse? Whether your traditions are geeky or non-geeky, we want to hear about them! Please comment below and share the love!

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