Success stories

[Customer Story] How Remote Desktop Manager Helps Holland Computers Consolidate and Organize Their Various Tools

Holland Computers Case Study, Devolutions
Anne-Marie Mongeon

As Devolutions’ marketing coordinator, I’m in charge of the company’s social media and advertising portfolios. I’m also responsible for establishing, maintaining and developing relationships within and beyond the Remote Desktop Manager community. I’m also in charge of the Devolutions blog, which means that I’ll be writing about various topics that, I hope, will be interesting and relevant to community members like you.

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I have yet to find a VPN, Remote Control or tool that I have not been able to connect to using RDM.

Frank J. McCourry, Vice President, Holland Computers

Client Snapshot

Established in 1989, Holland Computers has been serving Northeast Ohio for 23 years. ** In addition to providing computer repair solutions, the company offers website and application development, point of sales systems, email services, remote backup services, managed IT services, and data center design & installation**. The company has 8 full-time IT pros who manage 20 on-site workstations, as well as 34 servers in 2 data centers.

Holland Computers’ Challenge

Prior to using Remote Desktop Manager, Holland Computers faced key challenges and obstacles, including:

  • They had to use a folder to create RDP shortcuts. Because of the nature of these shortcuts, whenever a change would occur** the shortcuts would be broken and would need to be re-created**. This was inefficient and frustrating, and also led to a lack of organization.
  • To manage 34 servers, they had to open multiple connections and transfer work from one window to another. This was really slowing things down, and** IT pros were getting “lost in a sea of windows”**.
  • They were obliged to use a small database that was manually updated by users each time they accessed a server and made changes. This was triggering inefficient and inaccurate logging and tracking.
Holland Computers’ Solution: Remote Desktop Manager

Holland Computer tried using multiple monitoring tools, which they found did a poor job in terms of logging. They also looked closely at TeamViewer, but found it cost prohibitive, and that it lacked flexibility with respect to managing SSH or FTP. Then they discovered Remote Desktop Manager, and quickly determined that it was the complete and flexible solution they were looking for.

Here are some of the benefits that Holland Computers is enjoying thanks to RDM:
  • Automate the process logging and tracking server access.
  • Now have an accurate and reliable log of who did what and when.
  • Can easily connect to multiple disparate systems in a single application.
  • No longer need to search desktops, start menus or other locations to find what they need.
  • Can delegate work to other administrators without risk of compromising security or passwords.
  • Can consolidate all tools (e.g. RDP, SSH clients, FTP clients, spreadsheets, flowcharts, etc.) in an organized, centralized repository that is efficiently updated.
  • Any member of the team can update information, and all other members receive the changes immediately.
  • Can enhance RDM with various Add-Ons
Commented Frank J. McCourry, Holland Computers’ Vice President:

“Plain and simple, the more efficient your team is, the better you can service your customers. RDM does this by giving us a common, easy to learn and use toolbox that we can customize and grow with our business. As our business evolves, our tools evolve along with us, making us flexible, manageable and more appealing to our customers”.

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