Success stories

[Customer Story] USA Volleyball Chose Remote Desktop Manager As Its One Tool To Perform All Its Remote Management Task

Anne-Marie Mongeon

As Devolutions’ marketing coordinator, I’m in charge of the company’s social media and advertising portfolios. I’m also responsible for establishing, maintaining and developing relationships within and beyond the Remote Desktop Manager community. I’m also in charge of the Devolutions blog, which means that I’ll be writing about various topics that, I hope, will be interesting and relevant to community members like you.

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I think probably the biggest win is that most of the tasks I perform daily can now be handled in one tool, saving me time and allowing for better completion rates on end user tickets and daily tasks.

Brian Buresh, Coordinator, Technology, USA Volleyball

Client Snapshot

USA Volleyball (USAV) is the National Governing Body (NGB) for volleyball in the United States, and is recognized by the Federation International de Volleyball (FIVB) and the United States Olympic Committee (USOC). The vision of USA Volleyball is to the world leader in volleyball. Their head office is located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and they also have offices in Oklahoma and California. The organization’s IT team manages 40 devices, mostly Windows servers and desktops.

USA ** Volleyball’s Challenge**

10 months ago, USA Volleyball identified a set of key challenges caused by their remote connection tool, including that it only supported RDP, and that it wasn’t portable enough. In addition, the organization was concerned about the lack of robust password security when using DropBox (i.e. passwords had to be in clear text).

USA ** Volleyball’s Solution: Remote Desktop Manager**

USA Volleyball’s Technology Coordinator Brian Buresh sought out potential solutions, and came across Remote Desktop Manager – which** rapidly resolved the organization’s challenges**, plus delivered additional advantages. Equipped with RDM, USA Volleyball can now:

  • Combine multiple types of connections (RDP, SSH, etc) into one tool, and therefore eliminate the time and hassle of searching for different tools, credentials and IP addresses
  • Save significant time by importing directly from Microsoft tools
  • Safely store encrypted files in DropBox
  • Enjoy much greater flexibility. For example, at any given time, staff can use multiple machines and RDM always has their update configuration files ready to go.
Here’s what Brian Buresh had to say about Remote Desktop Manager:

"IT professionals have lots of tools that we use on a daily basis, and to have one suite that combines a few of these tools into one managed platform is handy and a time saver. RDM reduces the need to hunt for credentials and addresses every time we need to log into a server or device."

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