Quick Tips

Installing applications remotely right from Remote Desktop Manager

Installing Applications Remotly with Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager
Jean-François Dagenais

With more than 20 years of experience in the IT world as a support technician, IT Consultant, and manager, I am here to share with people all my knowledge so that they can go further in their day to day job. I have worked many years in the banking industry, so security and customer service are really important to me. Now, as a Director, my role is to help people leverage their skills so that they can help our customers use our products efficiently without any pains or concerns.

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Hello RDMers, In our modern world, everything needs to go fast: cars, cellphones and of course computers. What a waste of time when you have to wait a couple of minutes just for 2 toasts for breakfast! Oh wait, this is not the worst, what about the time you lost because you had to install a software on a remote computer. Well, it’s possible to save time installing (or updating) an application on a remote computer with a Macro/Script/Tool entry of the PSExec type.Firstly, you need to install the Sysinternals tools from Microsoft, because we will need the help of PSExec.exe in the execution of our script (https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb842062.aspx). Secondly, download the .msi or the .exe of the application that you want to install, and save this file on a shared drive that is accessible to the remote computer. In our case, lets be opportunistic and install Remote Desktop Manager, this will be helpful for those of you that use our RDM Agent or even Remote Desktop Manager Jump. Now, you're ready to put the pieces together.Create a Macro/Script/Tool entry, use the PSExec type. In the Command line section, add the following (long) line:

** C:\Tools\Sysinternals\psexec.exe \$HOST$ -i -u $TOOL_DOMAIN$$TOOL_USERNAME$ -p $TOOL_PASSWORD$ cmd /k "msiexec /i\SRVDEPLOY\msi\Setup.RemoteDesktopManager . /quiet /passive /norestart"**

A few notes on that command line:

  • Replace the path to launch PSExec
  • Add the appropriate credentials in the Tools section of your session, if left blank it will use your current Windows session credentials
  • Indicate the appropriate server shared to get the .msi or .exe

When you are ready to deploy your application on the remote computer, you just need to select the appropriate session in the Navigation Pane and launch the macro/script/tool from the Dashboard. For more information click here. The Macro/Script/Tool entry can also be launch via the RDM Agent.

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