Since we launched Devolutions in 2004, our team members have had the honor and pleasure of interacting with incredibly smart and talented IT pros around the world via our blogand forum, as well as through email and on different social networks (Youtube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc).
Your comments, ideas and feedback are a major reason why RDM is trusted by more than 200,000 IT pros in more than 100 countries. It’s hard to believe that we’ve come so far and grown so much since our humble beginnings, and we would be absolutely nowhere without our amazing community. You folks are the best!
To say thank you and to keep earning your trust, we work hard to constantly improve RDM by developing new versions, integrating new tools, creating new Add-ons and more. And now, we’re thrilled to share a new way
These friendly experts are here for YOU, and are eager to answer questions and share advice. You’ll be able to recognize them by the “Expert” tag beneath their username in the forum.
Or if you meet them in person, they’ll hopefully be proudly wearing the cool polo shirt that we sent them!
And lastly, please note that the Devolutions’ Expert Team is a fresh new concept, and we’ll be developing it as the weeks and months unfold. We also plan on adding more experts, so if you aren’t part of the inaugural group then please don’t feel that your contribution is somehow unimportant. Frankly, we could have chosen more than 100 experts because there’s so much amazing talent in our community. But who knows? You could be among them soon!