Quick Tips

RDM Agent

RDM Agent - Devolutions
Max Trottier

Maxime has extensive experience in product management, communication and advertising, and has spent the last several years helping renowned organizations bring their high-end solutions to customers worldwide. As Director of Marketing, Maxime leads Devolutions’ international market research and development efforts, along with customer relations and overall business development. He’s driven to bring innovative and cutting-edge solutions to Devolutions’ customers around the globe. Maxime earned his Bachelor degree in Business Administration from the University of Québec at Trois-Rivières, and regularly attends sales and marketing workshops to increase his knowledge and expertise.

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Do you ever need to run a PowerShell script on multiple machines? Say an upgrade script? RDM Agent is the tool for the job. First open an RDP connection to all the machines you want to execute the script on. Once opened, multi-select the opened session right-click -> Execute Script via Agent. Select the script type, set the script parameters and hit Execute.


In this example we want to start as service (say ASP .NET State Service). First select PowerShell and enter the command Start-Service -Name aspnet_state, select Run as Administrator and execute.

Quick Script

  • Quick
  • Logged
  • Limited functionality


  • Must be predefined
  • Logged
  • More advance (supports Run as a different user for example)
  • Runs within RDM


Both support environment and RDM variables. RDM variables (%$HOST$) are resolved on the client against the session it will be running on while environment variables (%windir%) will be resolved on the destination machine at execution time. When running file based scripts (.ps1) you can user RDM variables within the script, they will be resolved prior to sending the script over to the destination machine.

RDP Log Off
agent 2

RDM Agent will also enable RDM to perform certain task more efficiently. Log off is an example. The RDP doesn’t support log off natively, we had implemented it using WMI but it’s slow. Now you can set the log off method to Automatic, RDM Agent or WMI. In the case of automatic if the RDM Agent is available it will perform the log off via the agent if not it will fall back to WMI. A simple example where RDM Agent can help improve an existing feature.


RDM Agent is a very powerful tool that can be used when appropriate. Keep in mind it’s not your only tool. Remote PowerShell or remote WMI can also perform most of the task that RDM Agent currently support. There are instances where remote PowerShell for example won’t work. That is if you are using an RDP Gateway, in this case RDM Agent will work seamlessly. Another advantage of course is the logging of RDM.

Try it

You can download the latest RDM beta from here: https://remotedesktopmanager.com/Home/Download#Beta Information on how to install RDM Agent is available here: https://blog.devolutions.net/2014/05/rdm-jump-how-to.html

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