Success Stories

[Customer Story] Cytexone Technology Uses Remote Desktop Manager Support For SSH To Improve Productivity

Anne-Marie Mongeon

As Devolutions’ marketing coordinator, I’m in charge of the company’s social media and advertising portfolios. I’m also responsible for establishing, maintaining and developing relationships within and beyond the Remote Desktop Manager community. I’m also in charge of the Devolutions blog, which means that I’ll be writing about various topics that, I hope, will be interesting and relevant to community members like you.

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"Thanks to Remote Desktop Manager, we’ve definitely increased our productivity. I can’t remember the last time someone needed to change a root password, a domain admin password, or couldn’t access a server when they needed to -- and all of these were common before RDM."

Patryk Gallagher, System Administrator, CytexOne Technology

Client Snapshot

Headquartered in New York City, CytexOne Technology provides advanced technology solutions to the corporate, residential and hospitality markets, and manages and maintains systems for thousands of businesses, homes and users nationwide. The company is a chosen partner for industry leaders such as Microsoft, Apple, Control4, VMware, Watchguard, Dell, EMC, Nimble and many more. Thanks to their vast experience with IP network infrastructure and automation, as well as the software overlaying these systems, CytexOne Technology is able to tackle even the most complex projects.

CytexOne Technology’s Challenges

Despite being a leading-edge company, CytexOne Technology was using extremely old software that had not been updated to take advantage of the newest security protocols within RDP. As a result, the company:

  • Was obligated to keep RDP sessions less secure, simply in order to use them
  • Could not access VNC or SSH, and as such had to keep a separate list of IP addresses, user names and passwords (and if the computer they were trying to access wasn't running the right VNC version they were out of luck entirely!)
  • Faced inefficient and costly downtime every time they had to “break into” asystem,because users were changing their root passwords to use SSH and neglecting to update the information
  • Was constantly worried about password sharing and management

CytexOne Technology’s Solution

CytexOne Technology quickly, reliably and cost-effectively solved all of these problems with Remote Desktop Manager. Now, the company has access to tons of protocols – including all of those they've been using, and many others. They are also using RDM’s built-in permissions functionality to eliminate user-level password sharing, as well as prevent accidental deletions. They are also using RDM support for SSH to improve productivity and safely lock root passwords away. Plus, since RDM automatically updates itself, users never have to wonder whether they’re getting accurate and up-to-date information. They just know and trust that that RDM “always works”.

Here’s what Patryk Gallagher, CytexOne Technology’s System Administrator, has to say about his company’s decision to switch to RDM:

“Thanks to Remote Desktop Manager, we’ve definitely increased our productivity. I can’t remember the last time someone needed to change a root password, a domain admin password, or couldn’t access a server when they needed to — and all of those needs were common before RDM. Additionally , the ability to manage SSH sessions means that more of our people actually get to manage the *nix systems, rather than just the one or two unix gurus. This gives our people more opportunities to learn, which expands our overall knowledge capital. It also allows more people to cover for each other — rather than having to stay in their current roles – which enhances our agility and flexibility as a company.”

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