Success stories

[Customer Story] IVU Traffic Technologies Chooses Remote Desktop Manager To Manage Over 400 Machines And Servers

Anne-Marie Mongeon

As Devolutions’ marketing coordinator, I’m in charge of the company’s social media and advertising portfolios. I’m also responsible for establishing, maintaining and developing relationships within and beyond the Remote Desktop Manager community. I’m also in charge of the Devolutions blog, which means that I’ll be writing about various topics that, I hope, will be interesting and relevant to community members like you.

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“You’ll realize how useful Remote Desktop Manager is when you see how quickly you can login to a customer’s machine that you’ve never worked on before.”

Alexander Gran, MBA, IVU Traffic Technologies

Client snapshot

IVU Traffic Technologies AG (IVU) is located in Berlin and Aarchen, Germany, and has been developing integrated and customized IT systems for transport companies and the logistics sector since 1976. With a staff of about 300 engineers, and trusted by over 500 customers worldwide, IVU provides certified, punctual transport solutions to some of the world’s largest and fastest-growing cities.

Challenge: Get rid of Excel sheets to manage logins and IP addresses

Alexander and his team found it frustrating, time consuming, costly and risky to manage hundreds of logins and IP addresses via Excel sheets; frequently configure VPNs for new colleagues; and facilitate access from each new PC to server farms. They needed a solution that was robust, cost effective, and would help them do more with less.

Solution: Centralized and unified storage using Remote Desktop Manager Server

In 2012, IVU selected Remote Desktop Manager (RDM) to handle a large project involving over 100 machines and, in particular, to help them select different login instances. The impact of RDM was immediate and measurable, and IVU quickly upgraded to Remote Desktop Manager Server. Here is what IVU’s Project Manager Alexander Gran says about the decision to choose RDM:

"RDM Server’s central and unified storage is perfect if you have more than 100 users, and more than 50 customers. Thanks to RDM, we can share login and configuration across the whole company, and enjoy great AD integration. We also like the ability to store all kinds of related information, from pop-up warnings of live systems, to web based logins and more. Anyone who needs to manage multiple machines on a team of more than two should really get RDM — especially the server version, which makes the decision a no-brainer. You’ll realize how useful it is when you see how quickly you can login to a customer’s machine that you’ve never worked on before. There’s no hassle setting up VPNs or logins, no digging around in text files describing logins, and no outdated passwords."

Alexander Gran

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