Anne-Marie Mongeon

Anne-Marie Mongeon

As Devolutions’ marketing coordinator, I’m in charge of the company’s social media and advertising portfolios. I’m also responsible for establishing, maintaining and developing relationships within and beyond the Remote Desktop Manager community. I’m also in charge of the Devolutions blog, which means that I’ll be writing about various topics that, I hope, will be interesting and relevant to community members like you.

Remote Desktop Manager for Mac FREE now available!

Hey everyone, Just when you thought Launch Week here at Devolutions was coming to an end and there wasn’t anything more we could surprise you with…here we go with news that is going to cause IT celebr...

Remote Desktop Manager Server is now Devolutions Server!

Hey everyone, Shakespeare wrote that “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Well, we don’t quite know what Remote Desktop Manager Server (RDMS) smells like, but we know that it’s even MORE u...

Remote Desktop Manager for Mac 2.0!

Hey RDMers! Late last year, we launched the much-anticipated Mac version of Remote Desktop Manager. The response we’ve received since then from IT pros around the world has been amazing! We know that ...

Remote Desktop Manager 10.5 is here and we think you’ll love it!

Hey everyone, Can you believe that it’s been 6 months since the release of the much anticipated Remote Desktop Manager 10? Wow – where has the time gone!? Well, there’s no time to reflect on the past,...

IT’S HERE: Hurry and Sign-up for Android Beta Registration!

Hey everyone, You may recall that in our February 2014 poll, we asked members of our community to vote on whether they wanted us to focus our efforts on developing Remote Desktop Manager for iOS or An...

New RDM Add-On for SAP NetWeaver!

Hey everyone, So far, 2015 has been full of happy Devolutions news, like announcements pointing to our new Knowledge Base, our re-invented Forum and Online Help, a major overhaul of our browser extens...

Introducing Devolutions Cloud - One Stop Access to your Online Services

In January we shared the Devolutions Roadmap for 2015, which highlighted some of the cool and exciting things we have in store for this year. Well, as you can expect we’re hard at work making all of t...

March Poll: What are your Biggest Remote Desktop/Remote Support/Remote Access Challenges?

Hey everyone! It’s poll time again – but this time things are a bit different, because we need your help. Here’s the story: We’re currently putting together a Whitepaper that, once completed, will hel...

February Poll Results: What have you Automated Using our Macros/Scripts/Tools?

Hey everyone, March is here and the great thaw is occurring day…by…day. We can sense that somewhere beneath the ice and snow there is all kinds of wild, colorful life just waiting to burst forth. At l...

Best Geeky Drinking Games!

Hey everyone, Here at Devolutions we work really hard to make your lives as simple, easy and efficient as possible. We know that IT pros like you are “always expected to do more with less,” and we try...

New Goodie: Gateprotect Firewall Administration Add-on!

Hey RDMers, 2015 has just begun, and we’ve already launching new goodies! Say hello to the new Add-on for Gateprotect Firewall administration, which you can download right now here. With the Add-on yo...

We’ve Re-Designed Devolutions Online Help and Forum!

Hey everyone, If you recall, last June we celebrated the second anniversary of our blog by launching a new and improved version. We received tons of positive feedback, and we’re happy that you like th...

Geek Alert: The Evolution of Gaming!

Hey everyone, These days, it’s hard not to be wowed by the crystal clear graphics of Xbox and Playstation, and to be amazed at the elaborate, sophisticated games that are available. And it’s not just...

February Poll: What have you Automated Using our Macros/Scripts/Tools?

Hey everyone, January is over and we can almost see spring hiding around the corner. And it can’t get here soon enough, because it’s been sooooooo cold and snowy up here in Canada. But we’ll warm our ...

January’s Poll Results: What are Your resolutions for 2015?

Hey everyone, Can you believe that the first month of 2015 is already over? Time goes by so fast, and Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Speaking of which, hey guys, here’s a tip: if she says ...


SYSADMINOTAUR #45: F3atur3-r3qu3st

SYSADMINOTAUR #43: Priority Repair

Join our Spiceworks Community!

Hey everyone, Good news: we’ve just renewed our partnership with the amazing social media platform Spiceworks! Over the last year, we’ve had a blast connecting with many IT pros from around the world ...

January Poll: What are Your Resolutions for 2015?

Happy New Year Devolutions’ Community! Ah, here we are again at the start of a brand new year, which of course means: it’s New Year’s Resolution time!  In 2015, what are you pledging to accomplish? D...

Devolutions Road Map 2015

My name is David Hervieux, and I’m the CEO and founder of Devolutions. First off, I’d like to wish you and yours a very Happy New Year! 2014 was a great year here at Devolutions, and most of the credi...