
Using RDP without leaving traces: the MSTSC public mode

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The /public command-line option in MSTSC enables the "public mode," preventing RDP from storing credentials, session details, and cached images. This article explores its impact on security and forensic analysis.

Marc-Andre Moreau

Marc-André Moreau, Chief Technology Officer, leads various research and development initiatives at Devolutions. Founder of the FreeRDP project, remote desktop protocol expert, open source contributor with an entrepreneurial background.

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Have you ever wondered what the "/public" command-line option in MSTSC actually does? It enables "public mode" in the RDP client, a feature somewhat similar to "incognito mode" in web browsers. This is a feature meant to be used on a "public" or "shared" computer, where users might want to prevent credentials, session details, and cached images from being stored locally.

For forensic analysts, the traces left behind by a malicious attacker using MSTSC on a compromised system can be a gold mine of information. Here are a list of all the features affected by the RDP public mode:

Connection settings

Did you know that mstsc saves connection settings to the hidden Default.rdp file? With the public mode enabled, mstsc won't let you save modifications to connection settings to that file:

Mstsc public mode rdm devolutions blog remote desktop manager

The simplest way to edit it manually is to launch Notepad from the command-line: notepad "~\Documents\Default.rdp".

Credential caching

The Windows credential manager is used by mstsc to save credentials locally to be reused for new connections to the same server. The public mode disables using cached credentials, such that you will be prompted for credentials even if they are available locally:

Mstsc public mode rdm devolutions blog remote desktop manager

Saved credentials use the "TERMSRV/" prefix and can be listed using this command:

cmdkey /list | ? { $_ -Match "TERMSRV/" } | % { $_ -Replace ".*: " }

The public mode also prevents the user from saving credentials in the login prompt:

Mstsc public mode rdm devolutions blog remote desktop manager enter credentials

Persistent Bitmap caching

The most notable artifact left by mstsc is the persistent bitmap cache. In RDP, the server breaks the desktop image into bitmap fragments, caching them on the client. When a fragment repeats, the server instructs the client to reuse the cached version instead of resending it. However, caching only improves performance after the client has stored enough fragments. To speed up new connections, the persistent bitmap cache allows bitmaps to be retained across sessions.

While the public mode disables this feature, it can also be disabled separately using BitmapCachePersistEnable:i:0 in the .RDP file. The persistent bitmap cache stores files (bcache24.bmc, Cache0000.bin, Cache0001.bin, etc) under %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Cache. While the cache format is not documented, you can use BMC-Tools to extract its bitmap contents:

git clone <> && cd bmc-tools
python .\ -s "$Env:LocalAppData\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Cache" -d .

You can then browse through thousands of bitmap fragments from previous remote desktop sessions:

Mstsc public mode rdm devolutions blog remote desktop manager

Keep in mind that the bitmap cache isn't a reliable recording method - it's like trying to reconstruct shredded documents by digging through the recycling bin. This being said, it can still be a treasure trove of information.

Most recently used servers

The Microsoft RDP client remembers up to 10 most-recently used (MRU) servers, making it easy to select a server from the dropdown without typing it all again:

Mstsc public mode rdm devolutions blog remote desktop manager

The public mode disables updating that server list which is stored in the registry:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default]

In other words, you will still see the dropdown list with the public mode, but mstsc will not update it with new servers you connected to.

Server username hints

To speed things up at the login prompt, mstsc remembers the last username used to connect to a given server and pre-selects it for you:

Mstsc public mode rdm devolutions blog remote desktop manager

This information is stored in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Servers\Server\UsernameHint, like this:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Servers\]

Aside from revealing the username, this registry key also reveals servers that you have connected to. Again, the public mode prevents this information from being used and stored.

Server certificate exceptions

There is not a single IT administrator in the universe who isn't familiar with the yellow certificate warning dialog from MSTSC. Yes, it is possible to deploy proper certificates for RDP, but let's be honest: we've all used that "Don't ask me again for connections to this computer checkbox" at least once:

Mstsc public mode rdm devolutions blog remote desktop manager

As you may have guessed, the RDP public mode disables server certificate exceptions, because they are saved in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Servers\Server\CertHash, like this:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Servers\]

The certificate hash itself is not very useful, but because it is stored by server name, it leaves a trace of the servers you have connected to.

Server authentication exceptions

The server authentication level in RDP is a bit trickier to understand: the server can be authenticated through its certificate, Kerberos, or both. To see how the public mode affects server authentication, make sure that server authentication is set to warn you if server authentication fails. Alternatively, modify your .RDP file with authentication level:i:2:

Mstsc public mode rdm devolutions blog remote desktop manager

When connecting to an untrusted server (when neither certificate validation or Kerberos validation can be used to authenticate the server), you should see this security warning dialog:

Mstsc public mode rdm devolutions blog remote desktop manager

Notice how the public mode disables the "Don't ask me again for connections to this computer" checkbox, but also disables the saved credentials usage. If you add a security exception for a server, it will be stored under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\LocalDevices, like this:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\LocalDevices]

The destination server name is stored, so again, it can be used to find servers you have connected to. As for the associated DWORD value, it changes depending on the local resources or devices you have authorized for the connection (drives, clipboard, printer, etc).

Cleaning up

The RDP public mode is great, but what if you didn't use it previously and want to reset mstsc in a clean state? Here's a PowerShell code snippet to wipe all of the local artifacts left behind (saved credentials, persistent bitmap cache, and registry keys):

cmdkey /list | ? { $_ -Match "TERMSRV/" } | % { $_ -Replace ".*: " } | % { cmdkey /delete:$_ }
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:LocalAppData\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Cache" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:LocalAppData\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Cache" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Servers" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\LocalDevices" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Using the RDP public mode can be useful to work around weird issues, often caused by leftover saved credentials and username hints. While rare, a corrupted persistent bitmap cache can cause visual glitches in RDP. I recommend trying the public mode when you have no idea what the problem might be, but it could be related to one of the features listed above.

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