Fun & lifestyle

[QUIZ] How Well Do You Know Doctor Who?

How well do you know doctor who devolutions blog
Derick St-Hilaire

Hello there! My name is Derick St-Hilaire, and I’m the Salesforce Administrator here at Devolutions. I’m one of the more experienced employees here at Devolutions, and it has been amazing to see the company and community grow over the years. My primary responsibilities include managing our Salesforce platform, and working closely with our strategic partners and customers. I also oversee the management of Devolutions Force, which is our VIP Advocate Community. Academically, I have a bachelor’s degree in marketing. When I’m not working, I enjoy camping, walking my dog, playing video games, and I’m a huge movie fan — including the Star Wars franchise of course. If you would like to join Devolutions Force, or if you wish to get in touch, then you are welcome to contact me directly at

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If you have (or would proudly put) a sticker on your car that says: “My Other Car is a TARDIS,” then you are part of a special breed of people known as Whovians — a.k.a. true Doctor Who fans.

But are you a Doctor Who EXPERT? Take our fun and challenging 20-question quiz and find out!

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