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[NEW FEATURE] Introducing the Re-Imagined User Vault in RDM 2021.1

Reimagined user vault rdm 2021_1 remote desktop manager devolutions blog
Derick St-Hilaire

Hello there! My name is Derick St-Hilaire, and I’m the Salesforce Administrator here at Devolutions. I’m one of the more experienced employees here at Devolutions, and it has been amazing to see the company and community grow over the years. My primary responsibilities include managing our Salesforce platform, and working closely with our strategic partners and customers. I also oversee the management of Devolutions Force, which is our VIP Advocate Community. Academically, I have a bachelor’s degree in marketing. When I’m not working, I enjoy camping, walking my dog, playing video games, and I’m a huge movie fan — including the Star Wars franchise of course. If you would like to join Devolutions Force, or if you wish to get in touch, then you are welcome to contact me directly at dsthilaire@devolutions.net.

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One of the biggest and most exciting improvements that you’ll find in the recently released Remote Desktop Manager 2021.1 is the re-imagined User Vault.

About the User Vault

Like its predecessor the Private Vault, the new User Vault enables you to securely store and efficiently access corporate credentials, as well as other sensitive business data, such as software license keys, building alarm codes, etc. However, the User Vault offers some major new features that have never been available before, including documentation, tasks, attachments, version (edit & delete) history, and more.

Plus, since the architecture for the User Vault is now practically identical to the architecture for the Shared Vault, in the future we will be able to add new features to both of them simultaneously. This was not possible in the past, but thanks to your requests and the hard work of our Development Team, it is now a reality!

What Happened to the Private Vault?

Before moving ahead, you may be wondering: what happened to the old Private Vault? Well, don’t worry. You can still store and access your personal passwords and other data you use for non-business purposes. However, instead of doing this in Remote Desktop Manager, we recommend that you use Password Hub Personal, which is our free and highly secure password management solution for individuals.

We know how complex things are for you on the IT landscape, and this way you can clarify, simplify, and organize your sensitive corporate data in Remote Desktop Manager’s User Vault, and your sensitive personal data in Password Hub Personal. Furthermore, Password Hub Personal is not associated with your workplace — it is associated with you. As such, if you leave your workplace for any reason, you will not need to scrub your User Vault. It will simply follow you wherever you go, like a faithful friend who is guarding your personal data 24/7/365.

The User Vault: Under the Hood

Now, let’s take a closer look at some of the great new features available to you in the re-imagined User Vault:


The User Vault now supports documentation, so that you can capture sensitive information such as login procedures, client-specific details for an entry, and so on.


Tasks have been available in the Shared Vault for quite a while, but now for the first time, they are available in the User Vault. This feature lets you set tasks for things like scheduling upgrades or hardware maintenance.


It is said that a picture is worth 1,000 words. Well, now you can add a picture — or anything else, like a spreadsheet, a PDF, etc. — to the User Vault. This is another feature that has been available in the Shared Vault but is now offered in the User Vault for the very first time!

Section 5: Version History (Revert, Compare, and Restore)

Personally, this might be my favorite new feature in the User Vault. If you accidently delete an entry, then you can simply restore it through the Delete History form. Or if you accidentally change the IP of the wrong session and want the old IP back, doing this is as simple as reversing the last change. And if an entry isn’t working anymore because you’ve changed it by mistake (I’m not the only one, right?), simply browse the entry history to compare changes and pinpoint the problem.

Offline Edit

In previous versions of Remote Desktop Manager, you could modify your Private Vault entries offline. However, once you went back online, you did not have the ability to prevent the changes from synchronizing — they would just happen automatically. Now in the re-imagined User Vault, you have full control to decide which specific offline changes you would like to synchronize. You can also compare changes and accept all/reject all.

This Is Just the Start!

Now that the architecture for the User Vault is virtually the same as the Shared Vault architecture, our Development Team has a whole new world of possibilities for adding new features that make your experience more secure, efficient, productive, and convenient. For example, one of the improvements on the horizon will enable you to set a specific Security Provider for your User Vault, which may be different than the one your company sets for the Shared Vault. Please stay tuned for updates, and as always, send us your suggestions. We are ALWAYS listening to you!

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