Anne-Marie Mongeon

As Devolutions’ marketing coordinator, I’m in charge of the company’s social media and advertising portfolios. I’m also responsible for establishing, maintaining and developing relationships within and beyond the Remote Desktop Manager community. I’m also in charge of the Devolutions blog, which means that I’ll be writing about various topics that, I hope, will be interesting and relevant to community members like you.

iOS versus Android

November’s Poll Results: Are you STILL an iPhone iFan or Android Addict?

Hey everyone,

November flew by, and that means it’s time to share the results of last month’s poll.

As you may remember, last month we asked you to share if and why you’re STILL an iPhone iFan or an Android Addict. We know that sometimes device love can ebb and flow. I believe it was Shakespeare who wrote “the course of true love never did run smooth” (mind you, unconfirmed reports at the time suggest that he wrote this mere minutes after his nexus5 was hacked, so he may have been in a bad mood).


Just as it was two years ago when we asked if we should focus our efforts on first developing Remote Desktop Manager for Android or iOS, the overwhelming winner once again is **Android. ** While there are some iOS loyalists out there, it seems that Android addiction runs pretty deep.

We’d like to thank everyone who participated by sharing their answers here on our blog, as well as on Spiceworks and Facebook. Here are some snippets of various comments:

  • Android, by and large, I can do what I want, when I want, and why I want. My phone and my OS. :)
  • Android all the way. I don't like that iOS is so locked down and restricts you to only being able to do what Apples wants you to do.
  • Android all the way! As a developer myself I love the development community surrounding android and the ease in which you can create almost any application you can think of in a familiar language.
  • I'm really torn.. I started out with the Nokia 'dumb' phones, moved to iPhones for a few years -- I liked it, but it was limiting, and being forced into doing things the 'Apple' way made me very unhappy.
  • iPhone! It just works. Many Androids have poor hardware...to go with a plethora of poor/average apps. Android is good for the occasional power user. However, most users only use a fraction of the power on smart phones. Why not go with something that works better?

To read more comments, click below and scroll down:



Android wasn’t the only winner of our November poll, because we randomly selected 4 poll participants who have each won a $25 Amazon gift certificate! The lucky winners are: Jacob Evans, David, Figueroa, Jonathan Cauthorn and JAdams.

Congratulations everyone!

On behalf of the team here at Devolutions, thanks for participating! And stay tuned for December’s Poll – coming soon.


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