Fun & Lifestyle

Fun Stuff: The World’s Geekiest Houses

Anne-Marie Mongeon

As Devolutions’ marketing coordinator, I’m in charge of the company’s social media and advertising portfolios. I’m also responsible for establishing, maintaining and developing relationships within and beyond the Remote Desktop Manager community. I’m also in charge of the Devolutions blog, which means that I’ll be writing about various topics that, I hope, will be interesting and relevant to community members like you.

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Hey RDMers!

As you recall, a few months ago we shared with you some amazing geeky room designs that we’re drooling over (and we’re still trying to persuade our wonderful, smart, kind and GENEROUS CEO David to let us do some geeky redesigning here at Devolutions.

But then…we discovered that some people have gone beyond merely geeked-up a room. They’ve geeked-up a whole HOUSE! Here are some of our favorites below, courtesy of the fine geeks at

Batcave House

Honestly -- if you lived in this Laguna Beach, California cliffside haven, would you even bother leaving with the Gotham City Commissioner flipped on the Bat signal? Of course not! You’d outsource it or, better yet, automate the whole crime fighting thing, while you partied with your superhero pals. By the way, this home lets you park your car right inside the house thanks to a hydraulic lift. The price? A mere $9.9 million (which is pocket change to Bruce Wayne).


Guitar-shaped House

This guitar-shaped house is located in Fayetteville, Georgia, and was designed by Country singer/songwriter Elvis Cardin. Believe it or not, but the guitar’s neck is a long hallway that goes to the garage in the headstock. There are also electrical wires along the roof that look like guitar strings (not sure how Elvis’ home insurance company feels about this, though). With a den like this, Elvis won’t be “leaving the building” anytime soon.


Hobbit House

Ah yes, for a little under $5000 – yes that’s right, just $5000 – you can own this Hobbit House located in Wales, UK. It was built from recycled and all-natural materials, such as branches and straw bales for insulation. It’s also powered by solar panels, there’s a spring nearby for running water, and the fridge is kept cool from air that seeps through the foundation. Can you picture Frodo and Gollum playing Call of Duty while kicking back in this place? You have to wonder though if the “30 minutes or free” pizza delivery guarantee applies…that could be a problem (geeks and pizza are inseparable!).


House of Book

This quaint little geeky home is located in the Alpago Mountains, Italy. It was designed by artist** Livio De Marchi**, who handcrafted it inspired by book motifs. If you love reading, then this is the place for you (although you have to watch out for the eye laser surgery guys who will keep coming to your house reminding you of how large your front-gate eyeglasses are and how convenient life would be without them…)


LEGO House

Honestly, is there a kid alive that didn’t at least TRY to build a LEGO house? Well, Top Gear host Games May turned that into a reality by overseeing the creation of this Surrey, UK house made entirely out of LEGO bricks! It was created for a UK TV show called Toy Stories. It took 3.3 million LEGO bricks to build, and alas, it was torn down in 2009 (someone must have sneezed really violently).


Tron Legacy House

Disney and Dupont teamed up to create the Tron Legacy House in Milan, Italy. It was designed to demonstrate the features of a new material called “Corian”, which is a kind of plastic that can be molded into virtually any shape. Alas, much like the LEGO house, the Tron Legacy House was made to be temporary (so much for the “legacy” part, huh?).


The Walking House

Yes, this is definitely geeky. But is a walking house really the way to go? What happens if your cat can’t find its way home? And it would REALLY confuse the mail man. For now, this is a proof-of-concept idea that was created by Wysing Arts Centre to show what the future might be like for “people who want to live a peaceful and nomadic life”. It runs (or rather, walks) using solar energy.


Which Geeky House Do You Like Best?

We’d love to live in any and all of these geeky houses (especially the Batcave!). What about you? Do any of these designs inspire your inner geek? Which one is your favorite? Or if you could build your own geeky house, what would it look like?

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