Fun & Lifestyle

2014 year in Review: Part 2

Anne-Marie Mongeon

As Devolutions’ marketing coordinator, I’m in charge of the company’s social media and advertising portfolios. I’m also responsible for establishing, maintaining and developing relationships within and beyond the Remote Desktop Manager community. I’m also in charge of the Devolutions blog, which means that I’ll be writing about various topics that, I hope, will be interesting and relevant to community members like you.

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Hello everyone!

As the year winds down to a close, we’re taking the opportunity to reflect on the year that was here at Devolutions. We began by looking at January through June (check it out here!). Now, here’s the rest of our look back at 2014:

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To celebrate our blog’s second anniversary (*sniff* they grow up so fast), we launched the new and improved Devolutions Blog 2.0! We also attended BriForum 2014 in Boston. It was the first time our team attended the event, and we had a great time!


In August, we launched RDM Beta 9.5, and highlighted[5 cool new features that were the result of requests and feedback from our amazing community of IT Pros (a.k.a. YOU!). We also proudly introduced the inaugural members of the Devolutions Expert team, which is an exclusive invitation-only group comprised of 10 IT pros from around the world who are committed to sharing their experience, knowledge, insights and support via the help section of our forum.


Wow -- September was a REALLY BUSY MONTH! We started out by announcing that our users who are also Microsoft MVP, Citrix CTP and/or Vmware vExperts would now enjoy free RDM licenses. And since innovation never sleeps here at Devolutions, we also launched the much-anticipated Remote Desktop Manager 10! And to make your life simpler and easier, we also announced that RDM Standard would be now known as RDM Free.


If we were thinking that October would be a bit quieter after a super busy September…well, it didn’t take us long to think again! After lots of hard work by our programming and development teams, we officially launched Remote Desktop Manager for Mac OSX! We also launched Remote Desktop Manager Jump, which is a simple and easy way for our users to manage all of their sessions in a single data source. Oh and since we love our team members (there are some pretty amazing people who work here!), we felt that it was time to introduce all of them on the Devolutions website.


In November, since many of our users fell in love with Remote Desktop Manager for Mac, and we felt that the best to return that love was by releasing cool new updates! We also announced a major new program to sponsor our users’ events,** conferences, workshops** or get-togethers. Plus, we were also thrilled to announce that we took our partnership with Awake Coding -- the creator of open source project FreeRDP -- to a higher level by acquiring a significant stake in the company! And last but not least, in November our marketing director Max teamed up with our business architect Maurice to create a Webinar featuring (among other things) RDM 10’s coolest new features and functions.

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And that brings us to December! This month, we had the pleasure of introducing two members of the Devolutions Expert Team: Daniel Bizon and Brendan Thompson, and both of them were kind enough to share their first impressions of RDM 10. And speaking of RDM 10: since launching it in September, we’ve received lots of positive feedback and reviews from our community of IT pros. For example, just a few days ago Michael Pietroforte, the founder and editor of, and a Microsoft “Most Valuable Professional” (MVP), published a great review of RDM 10. And finally, we shared an early Christmas present by launching Remote Desktop Manager 10.1, which features many additions, enhancements and improvements,.


Where did the time go? It seems like just yesterday we were diving into 2014, and now here we are saying goodbye. As you can see, there were plenty of developments here at Devolutions -- from huge news announcements to minor updates. But throughout it all, there was one constant: YOU!

That’s right, you and the rest of our phenomenal community of IT pros made 2014 our best year ever. We couldn’t be more grateful for your support, recommendations and ESPECIALLY your feedback. We pride ourselves on always listening to your needs, and working really hard to make sure we live up to your high expectations.

With this being said, as you might expect, we have big plans for 2015 – and while 2014 was great, we all know that THE BEST IS YET TO COME! Stay tuned :)!

From the whole team here at Devolutions, have a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year!

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