
Tales from BriForum Boston 2014!

Anne-Marie Mongeon

As Devolutions’ marketing coordinator, I’m in charge of the company’s social media and advertising portfolios. I’m also responsible for establishing, maintaining and developing relationships within and beyond the Remote Desktop Manager community. I’m also in charge of the Devolutions blog, which means that I’ll be writing about various topics that, I hope, will be interesting and relevant to community members like you.

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Hi everyone!

As you may recall, a short while ago some members of the Devolutions team along with our friend and partner Marc-André Moreau, the CEO of Awake Coding, drove all the way from Montreal to Boston to exhibit Remote Desktop Manager at BriForum 2014. Well, we’re back now, and I’m happy to say that we had a BLAST meeting more than 300 IT pros and sysadmins, as well as the amazing teams from TechTarget. If you didn’t get a chance to make it to this year’s BriForum, then please make sure to check out the video below, which features our CEO David and our Marketing Director, Max, showcasing Remote Desktop Manager at a live presentation:

Plus, our CTO Stef recorded a great** live DEMO video** that you can check out here:

On behalf of the whole team here, I’d like to thank everyone who dropped by our booth during the conference, including the man himself -- Brian Madden -- who took the time to have a quick chat with us (and a beer!).

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