Hey everyone, Did you know there’s a BIG difference between Geeks and Nerds? Let’s start with Geeks. They’re often:
- interested in science
- fond of new technologies and gadgets
- fans of any or all of the following: science fiction, video games and role playing
- happiest when watching their favorite movies, like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, the Alien franchise, and the Matrix.
- characterized by an obsessive side that pushes them to live their passion!
Now Nerdsare a totally different story! Basically, the term describes people who are:
- pretty self-absorbed and oblivious to what’s going on around them
- usually uninterested in sharing much of anything with others
- tend to struggle with human relationships, and according to researchers, are most likely to marry other Nerds – which I suppose is a Nerds2 kind of thing (unlike Geeks, who have no problem and sometimes even prefer to marry non-Geeks).
The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth
Or perhaps you think that there’s no such thing as 100% Geek or 100% Nerd, but rather a mixture of the two (Gerd? Neek?). Let the Debate begin!