
RDM 9 is now available in Polish and Swedish! “Dobra Nowina”, “GODA NYHETER”!

Anne-Marie Mongeon

As Devolutions’ marketing coordinator, I’m in charge of the company’s social media and advertising portfolios. I’m also responsible for establishing, maintaining and developing relationships within and beyond the Remote Desktop Manager community. I’m also in charge of the Devolutions blog, which means that I’ll be writing about various topics that, I hope, will be interesting and relevant to community members like you.

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Hello Everyone,

As you may already know, a few months ago we developed a toolcalled Devolutions Localizer, which allows members of our amazing community to help us translate Remote Desktop Manager into different languages. So far, you’ve helped us translate Remote Desktop Manager into German, Russian, Italian, Dutch and Chinese. Well, here we are again with more Dobra Nowina!” and “GODA NYHETER!”, because Remote Desktop Manager 9.0 is now available in Polish and Swedish! We’d like to thank everyone who contributed to these two new versions of Remote Desktop Manager 9.0. A special thanks to Przemek Roszek, who translated the majority Polish version! Thank you Przemek, we hope you’ll enjoy your $500 and Remote Desktop Manager License!

Thanks to Alex Korsbakke who translates the entire of the Swedish version.

Hope you’ll enjoy your $500 and Remote Desktop Manager License!

We also want to thank Mkwawa and Wojciech Skarzynski who also contributed to the Polish version.

It’s a pleasure to offer you a Remote Desktop Manager License! We will contact you by email.

You Could Be Our Next Winner!

Our goal is to make Remote Desktop Manager available to IT pros from all around the world, and we rely on our community to make this happen. That’s why, every time we complete a new Remote Desktop Manager language translation, we award the most valuable contributor with $500 and an Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise License, plus a special mention in our blog.

Join the Team!

While we’re open to translating Remote Desktop Manager into every language, right now we’re especially focusing on creating Spanish, Hungarian, Portuguese and Czech versions. We also need to update the German version. If you’d like to contribute – and potentially win a great prize pack -- please visit

Thanks in advance to all of those who will help us make Remote Desktop Manager accessible to IT pros around the world.

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